Does Kourtney Kardashian Think She Is Above The Law?

Kourtney Kardashian | Youtube

There was a time when people broke the law in secret. They did not brag about the crimes they committed or even tell the people they are the closest to. All of that changed with the Internet and all the different social media outlets. Now, people post their crimes as if breaking the law is not wrong. Kourtney Kardashian now falls into the category of those people who post their crimes on social media.

Kourtney Kardashian On Instagram

The reality television star took to her Instagram account to post a video of her breaking multiple California laws. It appears Kourtney Kardashian did not stop to think she was sharing proof of her illegal activities when she documented her crimes on Instagram. Instead, she posted away.

Kourtney Kardashian brazenly posted a video she shot while driving. In the state of California, it is illegal to use a cell phone while driving. The video was of a fully-saddled horse running free in Los Angeles on a California highway.

The video of the horse running free was not the only issue on that Los Angeles highway. It was also proof Kourtney Kardashian broke another California law. The video clearly shows she is driving a vehicle with a broken windshield. Driving a vehicle with a broken windshield is also against the law in California.

Kourtney Kardashian horse
Kourtney Kardashian horse

What About The Horse?

It appears Kourtney Kardashian did not use her phone to call the police and report a fully-saddled horse running loose in Los Angeles. That would be considered by many a good reason to use a cell phone while driving. A horse running free on a highway anywhere is dangerous. The horse could get hurt or killed. It could also cause accidents that could take innocent lives.

At the time of publication, there was no information about the horse. Hopefully, the horse and the people driving on that highway are all safe. Seeing it was fully-saddled, there is was no information about the horse’s rider or if the horse even had a rider.

Kourtney Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian And Fans Are Concerned

Kourtney Kardashian fans are worried.  So is her younger sister, Khloe Kardashian. They are concerned the reality television star is giving away too much information on social media. This is especially true after Kourtney Kardashian shared private medical records of one of her children.

Kardashian used Instagram to post a photo of an x-ray of one of children’s arm. “That’s life” is how the mother of four captioned the upsetting photograph. One fan was concerned the photo was of Kourtney Kardashian’s baby, Rocky. “I hope the baby doesn’t have a fracture . …If so I hope he heals,” the Instagram user commented.

Khloe Kardashian went as far as to question her sister about the post. “Did you have to post the xray lol,” she asked in her Instagram comment.

Is Kourtney Kardashian Over-Sharing On Social Media?

When someone makes their living on reality television and on social media, is it possible for them to over-share? Kourtney Kardashian relies on reality television and social media to promote everything she is involved in and, recently, it appears many think she might might be sharing too much.

Tell us what you think. Is the video Kourtney Kardashian posted enough proof for her to prosecuted for her crimes? Will law enforcement let it go because she is a Kardashian? Why did she not use her phone to contact the police and try to help the horse? Is Kourtney Kardashian sharing too much on social media? Sound off in the comment section below.

Emma Riley Sutton

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