Fans Slam ‘Love Is Blind’ Producers For Using Gold Cups

Love Is Blind, Season 6, Netflix

Fans are slamming Love Is Blind producers for making everyone on the show use gold cups that you cannot see through. There have been a few staples for the series and one of those is the cups. However, this has also made them more popular amongst people. Walmart is now selling them for fans to be able to buy and have their own. This does not sit well with some because it allows producers to rearrange scenes to make them look worse since viewers cannot see how much of their drink has been drunk.

Love Is Blind Poor Contestant Choices

It seems as though the producers have not made many good decisions when it comes to this season of the show. There have been several of the men on the show who have had previous relationships when they came in. Some of them did not even tell their significant other what they were doing, and they found out when they watched the show. Jimmy supposedly had a girlfriend before coming in and told her he was on a business trip. Trevor also had a girlfriend, but it almost seemed as though she knew about it by their texts. He even told her he talked to another guy on the show and they both agreed they were not getting married no matter what. Jeramey is also a whole story. He had a fiancé a couple of weeks before filming the show. He also cheated on Laura with Sarah Ann, yikes.

Trevor Love Is Blind
Trevor Love Is Blind

Fans Slam Producers

Fans are not happy with the gold cups. They feel as though this is a way for the producers to cut and arrange scenes in ways it makes the contestants look worse.

  •  “I think they are using the golden cups so that the audience doesn’t see how full or empty they are. This makes it possible to cut conversations the way you want without having continuity errors (the glass magically filling and emptying from scene to scene).”
  •  “In one scene you see him [ Jeramey ] gulp down the rest of his drink and a bit later you see him take a normal sip. No refilling or bottles nearby. Scenes reordered?”
  • To me the cups symbolize also that they are drinking ALOT and cast members have mentioned this is a major source of the drama and issue with the show
Jessica Vestal and Jimmy Presnell meeting for the first time. - Love Is Blind
Jessica Vestal and Jimmy Presnell meeting for the first time. – Love Is Blind

This has been a crazy season of the Netflix show. There has been an enormous amount of drama and fans are finding out more about the contestants after the show. There have been several men who have had relationships outside of the show and seem to have just come for the fame. Little did they know, fans would figure it out and they would not be famous for any good reasons. How do you feel about the gold cups? Do you think it is sketchy? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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