Lexi Young Underwent Surgery Two Weeks Before ‘The Bachelor’

Lexi Young via YouTube 4

Bachelor contestant Lexi Young underwent surgery just two weeks before going on the show to meet Joey Graziadei. She shared the news on Instagram and how it affected her. What did she have done and what did she say? Keep reading to find out more.

Lexi Young Underwent Surgery Two Weeks Before The Bachelor

Lexi Young is opening up more about how she underwent surgery just two weeks before appearing on The Bachelor. She shared that she underwent egg retrieval surgery two weeks before having to go to the mansion.

She said it was hard. Lexi went on to say, “I needed at least, like, a solid month after that to kind of recalibrate back to my normal body.”

She opened up to Joey and to fans that she had been diagnosed with stage 5 endometriosis. She even experienced heavy bleeding and ovarian cysts while on the show.

Joey Graziadei and Lexi Young via YouTube

Lexi said she was worried about how she would be perceived on the show. She said, “I was like, ‘Are people gonna see me and my body and judge me for the way that I look because I put on weight?’ It’s hard to look at it and see myself, you know, swollen and puffy.”

She continued sharing how she is 30 and if a man doesn’t want her when she is a little puffy and coming down from hormones from going through the procedure then that is not someone she wants to be married to.

Lexi also said that when viewers are watching the show they should consider that “you never know what this person is currently going through or has gone through.”

Lexi Young via Insta

She Does Not Regret The Procedure

Lexi Young also shared that while she may not have looked or acted like herself while on television it won’t matter when someday she has a family.

She further explained, “Going through egg freezing, single, at the age of 30, was the most empowering thing that I’ve done for myself and my body in my entire life. When I look back, I would not change one thing. I now have the added security and confidence that I have eggs frozen at this very moment that will, I hope and pray, turn into embryos when I’m ready.”


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It was hard going through the process alone especially when she would see couples together at fertility clinics. However, she got through it alone. She even went on The Bachelor less than two weeks later. Now, she feels like she can do anything.

Lexi is thankful for the opportunity to share her story and bring more awareness to endometriosis.

What do you think of Lexi’s struggles?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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