Mama June Shannon Spills Family Estrangement

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June Shannon is spilling the tea on her family estrangement. They have all had issues for years and appeared to only come together when Anna Cardwell fell ill. Yet, is there still a lot going on behind the scenes that fans do not see? Read on for more details on what June had to say.

Mama June Shannon Spills Family Estrangement

For a very long time, Mama June Shannon was estranged from her eldest daughter, Anna Cardwell. There were a handful of reasons, mostly having to do with the men she associated with. June also did not pay Anna and her daughter, Kaitlyn for their time on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. So, Anna sued June and it was not a good situation. Suddenly, in the last season of Family Crisis, Anna reappeared for June and Justin Stroud’s wedding shower and everyone was shocked. Anna then was diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma and the family was soon reunited.

There had been a strained relationship between June and her other daughters due to drugs and choosing men first. However, they went to therapy and also reconciled. Sadly, Anna passed away in early December with her family surrounding her and the hope was this forever connected them. That is untrue as June shared via TikTok. A Reddit thread was started to discuss something she discussed recently. The OP wrote this:

  • “DO you talk to your sister?” “NO, I really only talk to her when we’re filming guys just being honest.” EXACTLY!! Just like you never had anything to do with Anna or Kaitlyn either unless it was for attention and money purposes! JUNE SHANNON YOU ARE A MISERABLE FAKE A** MONEY HUNGRY FRAUD!
Doe Doe Shannon, Mama June-YouTube
Doe Doe Shannon, Mama June-YouTube

So, were followers shocked that Mama June and Doe Doe aren’t close, or did they figure this to be true?

  • Maybe Doe Doe doesn’t want to speak to her either? I wouldn’t blame her.
  • June did say awhile back she didn’t speak to DoeDoe cause she didn’t show up for Anna after promising she would.

Family Dynamics

When Anna Cardwell got really sick, Mama June shared that Doe Doe was not there for her at all. However, she had been there for Pumpkin when June was absent. Pumpkin was in dire need of baby supplies and Doe Doe showed up, off camera, with a van full of goodies. She was essentially playing grandma when the kids needed one. At the same time, one Redditor shared that Doe Doe and Justin do speak a lot.

  • Justin mentioned awhile back he talks to DoeDoe. Doe said on a live she talks to Justin quite regularly and June as well. This family dynamic is weird. They speak one day they don’t the next day for a couple months then suddenly they bffs

As for Anna, she had noted that Jessica ‘Chubbs’ Shannon was the only sister to come see her. It is unclear if she was referring to prior to her cancer diagnosis or during it.

  • According to Anna, Jessica was the only one who visited her when they weren’t filming. She didn’t see or hear from June, Pumpkin or Alana otherwise. That was out of Anna’s mouth. These people are so pathetic. It is sickening how they are using Anna’s death to make a buck. Praying Michael gets custody of that poor child.

Followers believe that everything they are doing for Anna on the show is to look like they care and for the cameras. It is sad that people would not put it past Mama June and her family to do such a thing. Do you believe that the family is not as close as they are portraying? Let us know your thoughts and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. here is what I think I think June and her family need help they think because there on tv they can get on social media and rip ppl off selling fake products and selling stuff from temu I do not belive the family is close that family os only out for themselves and for june husband if he really loved june he would not be calling her names and dogging her out on social media justin is only there for the money to get whst he wants out of june and when it comes down for a divorçe justin is goung to try to wipe june clesn if she did not do a prenup agreement to me if June and her family makes all this money why are they on social media begging for money they are a said family I really think Anna and Jessica are the only ones that were the good ones out of that family and I really hope Michael gets that little girl away from June I could go on and on but it’s a shame to use a child for money karma will come back on all of them that has done so wrong

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