‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Contestant Clears Up $40K Confusion

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A Wheel of Fortune contestant cleared up some $40K confusion from a recent episode that had viewers up in arms. It appeared she had said one thing and may have been robbed of her winnings but no one was completely sure. Read on to see what the contestant actually said.

Wheel Of Fortune Contestant Clears Up $40K Confusion

The hardest part of being a contestant on Wheel of Fortune is trying to figure out the puzzles. Oftentimes, contestants will mumble them out in an attempt to solve them. This is especially prevalent in the final round when they get RSTLNE and then have to add their own letters. There is a lot of mumbling and struggling. Yet, for some, it is quick, easy, and painless. As for Megan Carvale, she made it to the bonus puzzle but there ended up being so much controversy surrounding her. It became so intense that she ended up having to appear on Good Morning America to clear it up.

Pat Sajak-YouTube
Pat Sajak-YouTube

According to The Sun, here is exactly what went down. Megan’s category was “Living Thing” and the answer was “Pink Orchid.” Many believed that they heard her say this yet others thought she said “Something Orchid.” It was really a toss-up as to what the contestant actually said but nonetheless, she lost $40K.

So, what exactly did Megan Carvale say? “I wish I said ‘Pink [Orchid],’ because I’d be $40,000 richer. But I said ‘Something [Orchid].'” She then went on to share her experience on the hit game show and the aftermath of what happened:

“It’s funny because going onto the show, I was so excited to be a part of it, and I was so bummed to have lost the bonus round. And then I woke up yesterday, and it’s all over the headlines. Everyone’s talking about the bonus round, and I’m reliving this loss.”

Still In The Limelight

Megan Carvale may have had her episode of Wheel of Fortune shown but she is still living in infamy. This is much like those who appear on Jeopardy! and their scribbled answers get viewers talking. Or, when they pronounce a word wrong thus they are deemed incorrect. Megan is grateful that she is not getting awful attention though her son cannot believe she got it wrong. She did leave with over $14K so at least that is something.

Did you hear her say “pink” or did you know she missed the puzzle? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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