‘The View’ Whoopi Goldberg Defiantly Yells At Producer

Whoopi Goldberg, The View

Recently on The View, moderator, Whoopi Goldberg, gets interrupted by producers and defiantly yells back. Undoubtedly, the panelists for the show are known to voice their opinions. Unquestionably, that is what makes them great at discussing topics on the air. But there are times, they just don’t want to follow the show lead.

Whoopi Goldberg Digs Into Her Point

On Thursday, January 18, Whoopi Goldberg brings up the topic of abortion. As the panel goes back and forth about the ideas, the conversation gets a passionate rhythm among the panelists. Within the discussion, Whoopi makes a point that things should return to the way they were to better serve women. Adding, “It did not require anyone to get an abortion. It only required that people stay out of your business.”

Whoopi Goldberg making her point. - The View
Whoopi Goldberg making her point. – The View

Then Whoopi makes a strong statement to encourage viewers. She says, “There is nothing wrong with being afraid. It’s what makes you get up and make a change. So don’t think because somebody says they’re afraid, it’s a bad thing. There’s nothing shameful about being afraid.” Another panelist pulls in the point that it is in effect a brave thing. Then she agrees with other panelists saying, “I think it is brave to be afraid.” But she gets an abrupt off-stage interruption that wrecks their flow.

Whoopi Goldberg Yells At The Producer

In response the viewers see Whoopi Goldberg lean forward giving her attention to the producer. But she has been in a passionate moment so she yells off to the side, “I’m sorry, what?” Then acting a bit puzzled, she says to the audience and other panelists, “I’m getting some kind of message from Paul.”

Producer Paul telling Whoopi Goldberg to go to commercial. - The View
Producer Paul telling Whoopi Goldberg to go to commercial. – The View

Following her interaction, the camera pans to a producer in front of the stage to show Paul signaling to Whoopi. But Paul points at the screen and indicates the show needs to go to commercial break. But the hosts weren’t having it.

Whoopi Defiantly Chooses Bravery

Despite The View’s producer, Paul‘s somewhat patient plea, one of the other hosts whines, “But Paul, we’re right in the middle of it.” Then Whoopi Goldberg acknowledges, “I see, I see.” But her body language speaks loudly as she adjusts defiantly, and says, “This is very brave of me.” In an act of protest, she takes her time to shift around, tightening her lips. Rather than immediately do what she is told, her animated facial expressions show she is pretending to choose what will happen. Then she nonchalantly agrees and says, as if it were her call all along, “We’ll be right back.” In response, the crowd laughs and claps as The View goes to a slightly off-schedule commercial break.

What do you think about Whoopi Goldberg’s funny assertion of her “choice” to send the show to commercial break? Are you enjoying The View‘s discussions? Tell us what you think about the show. We love to hear from fans!

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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