‘Southern Charm’ Fans Feel JT Is Cringeworthy

JT-Southern Charm-YouTube

Southern Charm fans have met JT and, by the time of the Season 9 reunion, he was deemed cringeworthy. He has spent most of the season gossiping and throwing co-stars under the bus. So, what are viewers saying about him exactly? Read on for all of the details.

Southern Charm Fans Feel JT Is Cringeworthy

No one was truly impressed by JT from the moment he started on Southern Charm. He had a messy home and, along with that, he was a heavy drinker with diabetes. There was one scene where he was hungover but trying to give himself his insulin shot through his pants. Additionally, JT was always stirring up drama and was a little gossip boy wherever he went. Then, when it looked like Taylor Ann Green was free, he decided to spend time with her. He firmly believed she was into him and soon, it appeared he was in love with her.

Taylor Ann Green-YouTube
Taylor Ann Green-YouTube

Now, part one of the reunion has aired and it has made viewers despise him even more. The first Reddit thread that was started had the OP saying this:

  • JT is boring and cringe. I tried to like JT and tried to think of him as a guy with good intentions. As the episodes went on, I could not stand him anymore.

They also noted that there was something off about him but it seemed they couldn’t put their finger on it.

  • People really do show their true colors on reunions. JT was insufferable.
  • I get serious second hand embarrassment from him.
  • JT is the classic…creepy beta male. He’s short…so he overcompensates by trying to be the “nice guy” to women. Which is why he always gets friendzoned.
JT-Southern Charm-YouTube
JT-Southern Charm-YouTube

It did not stop there as the Southern Charm star was scrutinized on another thread for being on a “high horse” at the reunion. One Redditor proceeded to call JT a “tool” while another had this to add:

  • JT’s an annoying little twerp but I’m here for ANYONE calling out the terrible behavior of the men on this show

Not A Good Fit?

Though JT may not be the best fit on Southern Charm, he has done something great and that has made viewers chat about him. The more people talk, the more likely they are to keep him around. Unfortunately, his crush, Taylor Ann Green is in the hot seat at the reunion. It started because she lied about hooking up with Austen Kroll but then she dropped a major bombshell. She revealed Olivia Flowers had been with Thomas Ravenel in the past. That was not a good look for her and now she will pay the piper.

What do you think of JT as a cast member? Are you a fan or do you think he needs to leave the show? Let us know and watch Southern Charm Thursdays on Bravo.

Amanda Lauren

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