Fans Call Gerry Turner Rude After Italy Question Response

Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner via insta 5

Fans call Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner rude after his response to some asking when the honeymoon is. The post that Gerry made had nothing to do with him and his new bride Theresa Nist going to Italy. What did Gerry do that had fans bashing him on social media? Keep reading to find out more.

Gerry Turner deemed rude by some fans on social media

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner is being called out as rude by some fans on Instagram after his response to when he and Theresa are going on their honeymoon. He went to Instagram to share photos of him and Theresa Nist going to a diner in New Jersey. He captioned the post saying, “Out of 530 diners in New Jersey, Theresa took me to one of the best. With only 529 more to go, I’ll be busy thru June of 2025.”

Fans seemed to care less about the diner but rather wanted to know when Gerry and Theresa would be heading to Italy for their honeymoon. Gerry’s response to multiple fans had many calling him rude.

One fan asked him, “When the heck is the honeymoon?” This response was good. He replied, “EVERY DAY IS A HONEYMOON DAY”

It was after this that the answers became more questionable. While Gerry probably didn’t mean anything by it, many fans took it as being rude. One fan said they hoped Theresa signed the prenup and Gerry replied, “She will be signing it in Italy!!!😂”

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist/Credit: Gerry Turner Instagram
Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist/Credit: Gerry Turner Instagram

As fans continued to question when these two newlyweds are heading to Italy, here are some of Gerry’s responses.

  • why do you ask? Do you want to go at the same time?
  • Why do you ask? Do you want to book your trip at the same time?
  • Why do you ask? Wanna go at the same time?
  • Are there diners in Italy?

Many replied back asking Gerry why he was being rude and some asked if he was a bot for replying the same answer.


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It seems to be all in good fun

Chances are Gerry Turner was just being comical with his answers. One fan asked him which diner was the best and Gerry said they will keep eating until they could answer that with authority.

Another asked if he ate his huge plate of food to which he replied that he did.

Still, another fan referenced that there was no flash mob at the diner. Gerry said, “hahaha. You are a true fan. Flash mob reference”

Some fans rushed in to defend Gerry as well.

Overall, fans love seeing posts from him and Theresa. They seem to be having a blast together.

No doubt these two will share some posts from Italy when they get there.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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