Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Teeth: How Did She Lose Them?

Gyspy Rose Feature YouTube

Today, Gypsy Rose Blanchard smiles with a perfect set of pearly white false teeth. Older photos of her with her late mother, however, feature a girl with a broken smile missing a lot of teeth. With so many different versions of her story floating around the internet many wonder: What exactly happened to Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s teeth? More specifically, how did she lose them?

Hulu’s The Act: A Fictional Story

There is a fictionalized version of Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s story that a lot of people have streamed on Hulu called The Act. Unfortunately, a lot of people have watched this series and believe they know and understand Gyspy’s full story. For example, there is an entire episode dedicated to her teeth.

The episode features Gyspy getting up at night while her mother is asleep and binging on sugar-filled drinks and snacks. Unfortunately, she ends up having to go to the dentist and have some of her teeth removed in a very painful scene that most agree was difficult to watch.

Dee Dee, Gypsy Rose Blanchard- YouTube
Dee Dee, Gypsy Rose Blanchard- YouTube

Turns out, this is just one example of a fictionalized storyline that didn’t happen. The real Gypsy Rose did lose her teeth. Just not in the way the Hulu series showed.

So, How Did Gypsy Rose Blanchard Lose Her Teeth?

According to We Got This Covered, a medication called Carbamazepine is likely the reason Gypsy Rose’s teeth were rotten and crumbling out of her mouth. More commonly known as Tegretol, the medication is prescribed to treat convulsions associated with epilepsy. As those who know Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s real story know, epilepsy is one of the conditions her mother treated her for. Unfortunately, one side effect of the medication is the damage it can do to a person’s teeth.

Furthermore, Gypsy Rose also had poor hygiene and nutrition under the care of her mother. This combination made it easy for her mother to convince the world she was extremely sick. It, however, did all sorts of damage to the health of her hair and her teeth.

The World Is Urged To Wait For Her Story

Presently, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is trending on all social media platforms. She has also completely exploded on all forms of social media. Unfortunately, this means there are also tons of versions of her story floating around the Internet. This results in people who have watched The Act speaking as if they know her story.

Fortunately, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is out of prison now. She’s free to speak her truth and tell her story. No one will be able to answer questions more accurately regarding various aspects of her life better than her.

Did you know the episode dedicated to her teeth in The Act was fictional? Share your thoughts in the comments below. And, keep coming back for more news and updates on Gypsy Rose finally being free.

Allie Johnson

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