Is Mama June Shannon Medically Neglecting Kaitlyn Rotting Teeth?

Mama June Shannon YouTube Feature

When Anna Cardwell passed away, Mama June Shannon snagged emergency custody of her granddaughter Kaitlyn. Fans of the WEtv family were shocked, horrified, and confused. Many argued Mama June shouldn’t get custody after she fumbled raising her own children.

Turns out, something Mama June’s husband Justin Stroud said on a recent livestream has fans concerned. Concerned that she is already medically neglecting her granddaughter’s needs. More specifically, her rotting teeth. What was it that Justin allegedly said? And, does this mean she might be neglecting her granddaughter’s medical needs? Keep reading for the details.

Mama June, Justin Stroud-YouTube
[Source: YouTube]

Is Mama June Shannon Medically Neglecting Kaitlyn?

According to a fan of this reality TV family, Mama June’s husband addressed Kaitlyn’s poor dental health during a livestream recently. Kaitlyn was reportedly in the background with some candy in her hand. A container of candy she was shaking. Justin, however, corrected the young lady. He explained she couldn’t have the candy because of the “three rotten caps” in her mouth.

Justin Stroud from Mama June, WeTV, sourced from YouTube
[Source: YouTube]
The OP of the Reddit thread questioned why Mama June took a trip to Disney World when the child in her care needed emergency dental care.

Justin in his live said Katlyn could not have the candy she was shaking because she had 3 caps rotting in her teeth. When did spending thousands at Disney World over ride a child’s health with dental care? Why did they not take her to dentist since she has been in their care for almost a month now?

Unfair To Blame Her For This?

Now, some fans rushed to defend Mama June Shannon on this Reddit thread. One fan noted they were being unfair as cavities don’t happen overnight. This fan suspected it was Anna Cardwell who should be blamed as the condition of Kaitlyn’s teeth means she hasn’t been taking care of them for a while.

Fighting back, other fans noted it didn’t matter who was to blame. The problem this fan had was that Kaitlyn is now in Mama June’s care and she has not taken her to see an emergency dentist to fix the problem.

Overall, most fans agreed they were floored that “no sugar” was the solution as opposed to taking the child to see a dentist. One fan even went as far as to speculate the situation could be viewed as medical neglect. And, they didn’t think the court would take too kindly to this information.

Mama June, Justin Stroud-Instagram
[Source: Instagram]
Here’s what some fans had to say about her teeth and Mama June’s care:

  • “This can be considered medical neglect and its not gonna look great for then in court. He also has no idea what he’s talking about because cavities are caused by bacteria, not sugar.”
  • “Ir become June’s fault when she took guardianship of the child. This is especially concerning that she had money to get it fixed and blew it on a trip that didn’t only benefit the child but also her other grand kids, son in laws and daughters.”

A few fans added Mama June’s husband was the last person who should make comments about anyone’s teeth.

Mama June, Justin Stroud-Instagram
[Source: Instagram]
So, do you think Mama June Shannon is medically neglecting her granddaughter? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more news and updates on your favorite reality TV stars.

Allie Johnson

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