Gerry Turner Reveals Shocking Pick For ‘Golden Bachelorette’

Gerry Turner via YouTube 2

Talks are continuing about who should be the first-ever Golden Bachelorette should ABC confirm the spinoff. Many women from Gerry Turner’s season of The Golden Bachelor are in the running for the role of a lifetime. Now that his season wrapped up airing on television and he is happily engaged to Theresa Nist, Gerry is also weighing in on who he thinks should get their own journey to find love. His answer may shock some. Keep reading to find out more.

Gerry Turner reveals shocking pick for Golden Bachelorette

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner revealed recently who his pick is for the first-ever Golden Bachelorette. His answer may actually shock some. Of course, Gerry had some pretty amazing women on his season.

Theresa Nist was with Gerry when the question was asked as well. She said that each of the ladies brought something special to the table and it was too hard for her to narrow down who would be the best choice. She believes there are many deserving women on the show who would make outstanding leads for the show.

Gerry agreed. However, he said that he thinks the job should NOT go to anyone on his season. He went on to say that someone brand new should be given the journey just as he was. He feels it should be someone not associated with The Bachelor franchise. There were too many great women who appeared on his season and there was no way to pick just one for the job.


Some may be angry he wouldn’t support the women from his season although really he was probably just trying to stay out of the dog house.

So far the network has not announced if there will or will not be a Golden Bachelorette at all. If there is, there are several women who are making good cases for themselves.

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner, Theresa Nist Can Finally Stop Agonizing - Instagram
Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner, Theresa Nist Can Finally Stop Agonizing – Instagram

Women who want to be The Golden Bachelorette

There are many women from Gerry Turner’s season of The Golden Bachelor that would love the opportunity to try once again to find love. Leslie Fhima would most likely take on the role. Faith Martin would most definitely take ABC up on the offer. In fact, many think her recent social media post was an attempt to get noticed by production.

So far the show has not even been confirmed but fans are rallying behind the idea and really hope it happens. While it’s not been confirmed there are already talks of a Season 2 of The Golden Bachelor. 

Faith Martin/Credit: Extra TV YouTube
Faith Martin/Credit: Extra TV YouTube

What do you think about Gerry saying someone brand new and not associated with the franchise should be cast?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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