‘Sister Wives’ Preview: Kody Brown Candid About Meri Situation

Meri, Kody/YouTube

Sister Wives received a preview for the second Tell-All one-on-one that airs on Sunday, December 3. In it, Kody Brown discussed Meri with Sukanya Krishnan and claimed that it’s “not safe” for him to be around his former first wife. Read on to find out why he said that, and what TLC fans think.

Sister Wives Star Meri Brown Finally Got The Memo

When Meri Brown finally decided that she was leaving Kody in the last episode of Season 18, fans wondered why it took her so long to get the memo. After all, he seemed awful to her for so long. In fact, he humiliated her on national television for years. And yet, she stayed on. Now that the preview for the Tell-All Part 2 arrived, some fans got an inkling of why.

The Sister Wives preview showed that Janelle Brown felt sorry for Meri. However, she would have left him ages ago. Mind you, critics argued that she also lived in an abusive relationship. And, it took her long enough to finally tell her spiritual husband which bus to get off – (Hollywood Life.) However, there were other interesting points raised by TLC fans about Meri and Robyn Brown.

Sister Wives Meri Brown Was Begged To Stay Around Kody

This time last year, Robyn begged Meri to stay with the family to help save it. That came when Christine was about to depart for Utah. You might recall that she also claimed she would understand if she didn’t stay. But, mainly, she pushed hard for her to remain. Remember that, because it’s important to what came out in the one-one special preview.

Sister Wives Preview Kody Brown 'Not Safe' With Meri - TLC YouTube
Sister Wives – Kody Brown – Meri Brown – TLC YouTube

In the preview, which you can watch further down in this article, Sister Wives star Kody Brown told Sukanya Krishnan that he feels “the emotions of friendship with Meri.” However, he can’t “understand” why she doesn’t seem to “understand when a relationship ends.” He also said:

I think she’s in the position of waiting for me to go ‘oh no, don’t move.”

Additionally, he claimed that doesn’t feel “married” to his former first wife. Asked if he ever told Robyn he felt that way, he claimed, “Of course, Robyn know’s where I’m at.” 

‘Not safe With Meri’

After Janelle and Chrtne had their say, the preview skipped back to Kody Brown and Sukanya. There, he said about Meri:

I will alwys loverher. But I can’t be in love with her. It’s not safe for me. And when I say that, you can make up any BS you want. But, I’m telling you, I’m not gonna sit here and drive a bus over her because this is sad, it’s heartbreaking, it just didn’twork.

In the comments section on YouTube, Sister Wives fans picked up that Robyn knew there was no hope for Meri, but she begged her to stay anyway. Other interesting impressions also arrived.

  • The fact that Robyn knew but told Meri to “hang in there…” [is] just WOW.
  • He kept Meri around for money. God knows what he told her to keep her around for years while treating her like crap.
  • I’ve never heard someone contradict themselves as much as Kody does and did in 1 conversation. He never loved the other 3 wives but now he will always love her. Alrighty then. Could be a good reason why Meri was so confused and stayed so long.
  • It’s not safe for Kody? He’s not going to throw her under the bus? Umm, he did and that bus drove back and forth a few times already.
  • Meri just misses the old time with Kody. I hope it’s true that she is dating now.

What are your thoughts about Kody Brown claiming it’s “not safe” for him to be around Meri? Can you imagine how confused she must have been because Robyn never told her that her former husband didn’t feel married to her? Why did she really want Meri to stay? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Remember come back to TV Shows Ace for all your Sister Wives news.

James Michael

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