Mama June Fans Express Disgust With Anna Cardwell Troll

Anna Cardwell, Mama June/IG, YouTube

Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell fell ill with cancer, and WETV fans saw the family receive the bad news in the latest season of Mama June: Family Crisis. Her mom, June Shannon helped to tell Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird and Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson about it. Recently, someone trolled June and Anna on social media, and fans turned on them for it.

Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell Has Terminal Cancer

Mama June: Family Crisis fans heard that June Shannon’s daughter completed chemotherapy. Later, she also completed her radiation treatment. By then, her cancer had spread and it was in a lung, her liver, and her kidney. Aggressive adrenal carcinoma cancer, stage 4 is no joke so Pumpkin’s mom moved back to  Georgia from Alabama.

Mama June - Anna Cardwell - Facebook
Mama June – Anna Cardwell – Facebook

Mama June: Family Crisis fans who followed  Anna Cardwell on social media see that she thinks about her life potentially ending prematurely. In late October, she posted a message about her daughters. In it, she said that she wanted people to keep reminding her kids that she loved them. She also talked about passing away “unexpectedly.” Since then, she got a lot worse.

Mama June Fans Express Disgust With WETV Troll

The most recent news about June Shannon’s daughter came from Pumpkin. It came via her shop account on Facebook, and she said they were all going on a trip “to Gatlinburg.” However, it’s rather sad because she described it as a “last family trip” for her sister as she’d gotten so much “worse.” A day later, WETV fans talked about a troll on TikTok.

Mama June Shannon Via Reddit
Mama June Shannon – Anna Cardwell – TikTok Via Reddit

Anna Cardwell went on TikTok after her last radiation treatment. There, she talked about her radiation which made her feel a bit off. Plus, she tried a bunch of pickles that come with various candies from the shop. In the comments, a troll said:

I know this is probaly bringing in revenue, but please don’t put this into your body. Cancer feeds off sugar…

They talked about healthier options and said things like “Sweet girl”, which was probably seen as passive-aggressive trolling. June Shannon saw them off angrily. And when it arrived on Reddit, they turned on the troll.

Fury About Anna Cardwell Getting Trolled

The OP on Reddit said:

Mama June defending Anna on Instagram. I don’t often agree with June, but she is 100% right. Why on earth would you comment this on someone’s post when they have terminal cancer? Pseudoscience is so infuriating, especially when applied to something as horrible as cancer.

In the discussion, plenty of people vented about it.

  • I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with her. It’s Anna’s life and her struggle. She can eat what she wants.
  • I agree on all points. Mama June is a train wreck for sure, but I feel so bad for her and Anna’s sisters, as well as Anna’s little family. She is so young and it’s terminal. I can’t imagine what they are going through. It’s none of anyone’s business how Anna wants to spend her last days
  • That was a very stupid and unnecessary comment…
  • She literally has cancer. Do they really think she gives af about Sugar? That would be [the] last of her worries. Seriously.
  • she’s literally dying let the girl eat what she wants.

Are you in agreement that Anna Cardwell should be allowed to eat whatever she likes? After all, preparing for death isn’t easy for anyone. If June Shannon wants to let her daughter eat a mountain of pickles with a ton of snow cones on top, is it anyone else’s business? Share your thoughts in the comments below and come back for more updates about the cast of Mama June: Family Crisis on WETV

James Michael

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