Is Asking If Liz Johnston’s Baby Is A Dwarf Inappropriate?

Liz Johnston - Instagram

After the birth of Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Johnston and Brice Bolden’s baby girl was confirmed fans had one simple question. Was their daughter a member of the little people community? Was she a dwarf like her mother and grandparents? Or, did she take after her father?

As TV Shows Ace speculated yesterday, it appears as if Leighton Drew is not a dwarf. At her birth, her mother confirmed she was 19-inches long. Statistically, newborns with dwarfism tend to be between 12 to 13 inches long, on average.

The topic of conversation, however, caused a bit of controversy across the comments of ALL the family’s Instagram accounts. Were 7 Little Johnstons’ fans being inappropriate or offensive in asking this question?

Elizabeth Johnston - 7 Little Johnstons - YouTube
Elizabeth Johnston – 7 Little Johnstons – YouTube

Is Asking If Liz Johnston’s Baby Is A Dwarf Inappropriate?

As those who watch reality TV shows on TLC know, there are several shows focused on families of individuals who have dwarfism. In addition to 7 Little Johnstons, fans can also follow The Little Couple and Little People, Big World.

Turns out, the month of October was Dwarfness Awareness Month. While it is now November, raising awareness never stops being important. So, Jen Arnold of TLC’s The Little Couple took to social media to address the right and wrong ways to talk about people of the little people community.

Jen Arnold - Instagram
Jen Arnold – Instagram

Jen Arnold explained that “munchkin” and “midget” are both considered highly offensive words to someone who has dwarfism. Instead, she clarifies that “dwarf” is the most appropriate way to refer to someone with dwarfism. Both Jen Arnold and Amy Roloff of Little People, Big World have also shared that referring to them as little people isn’t considered offensive or inappropriate either.

During her informative post, Jen Arnold also revealed that there doesn’t have to be a parent with dwarfism to produce a child with dwarfism. Turns out, two “averaged-sized parents” can have a child with dwarfism. In fact, she adds that 80 percent of children with dwarfism have two “average-sized parents.”

Amber Johnston - Instagram
Amber Johnston – Instagram

Should 7 Little Johnstons Fans Ask This Question, Though?

Now that fans know asking whether Leighton Drew is a dwarf, there is still a question remaining. Should it be something fans are asking about a newborn? In the comments on Amber and Trent Johnston’s Instagram account, fans are torn. Many, however, seem to agree there is a serious lack of compassion inside of those asking this question. Several fans note that if the baby is healthy nothing else really matters.

Unfortunately, it does appear as if Liz Johnston has become overwhelmed with the questions and comments regarding her daughter. Sometime in the past 12 hours, the new mother limited her comments on Instagram. So, she is not getting pummeled by fans asking if her daughter is a dwarf anymore.

So, even though “dwarf” is not an offensive word to use… Some fans still agree it was a bit inappropriate to ask the question about a newborn.

Do you think fans need to stop asking Liz Johnston and her family this question? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more TLC news.

Allie Johnson


  1. I don’t think it’s inappropriate at all! If they were insensitive and used derogatory terms then yes they were wrong. IMO there isn’t anything wrong with asking if the baby took after her Mom or dad on the height department.
    I am 6 ft tall and hubby is 6’2. We are both blond, him naturally and mine is from a bottle. Our first child was born with a shock of black hair. The mat ward were calling her Kramer from Seinfeld because of the hair. Then people would look at me, my honey, then the baby and would have the audacity to say was Mommy unfaithful? Why the dark hair? Maybe because I’m a bottle blond? Finally I dyed it back dark and when her blond came in I went back to my blond.
    My point, no matter the person’s differences people will find a way to hurt your feelings. Tall, short, skinny, chunky we are a world with a beautiful people with a vast array of differences. Enjoy and like my Mama said if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

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