‘Golden Bachelor’ Fans Furious, Slam ABC For Fake Scenes

Gerry Turner Youtube

Golden Bachelor fans started out loving Season 1 on Bachelor Nation and Gerry Turner got a collective thumbs up. However, he upset fans twice, and now they slam ABC for what they think are scripted scenes. Also, they seem unhappy because the show seems to take a different format towards the end. That makes it different from previous ones in the franchise.

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner Slammed

All was going well, and then the last three contestants went on hometown dates. Faith, Leslie Fhima, and Theresa all had a great time. However, fans heard him tell one family that he loved their grandmother. He also told another one of them that he loved her. And that got a big reaction from unhappy fans.

Remember Ben Higgins, who did the same thing, also got slammed for doing that while the Bachelor show was on. So, the Golden Bachelor lead was not spared criticism. On social media, comments ranged from opinions that he should have a polygamist set-up, to the fact that he likes them but doesn’t really love any of them.  Many people feel that he still hasn’t fully mourned his wife who died.

Golden Bachelor – Gerry Turner Scene Was Scripted By ABC?

Taking to Reddit, an OP who missed a bit of the last episode on Thursday asked a question. And, it got others furious. It came after Gerry Turner gave out one rose, and then left the three women standing like spare parts. Off he ran, crying and claiming he would throw up. Angry, he hated that he had to hurt one of the women and send them home. Well, Bachelor Nation fans thought it all seemed very scripted by ABC.

One follower wrote, “For dramatic effect, the second rose was not given out tonight. We did get to see Gerry cry, again, and doubled over as if he was going to throw up….Unscripted, my ass!”

Leslie - Faith - Theresa Golden Bachelor
Leslie – Faith – Theresa Golden Bachelor

The Sun reminded Golden Bachelor fans that people already felt strongly about Gerry Turner telling two of the women that he loved them. So, it’s not hard to understand why they might be so furious about what looked like a scripted scene during his meltdown. He seems like a nice enough person, but viewers seem fed up with the way ABC portrayed him towards the end of the season.

The Cliffhanger Ending Infuriates People

In the Reddit discussion, the person who sparked anger asked if they missed who got sent home. Well, they missed nothing because the episode didn’t show that. Instead, Golden Bachelor fans will only find out later. Actually, the next episode for Gerry Turner will be the Women Tell-All.

What do you think about the scene with Gerry Turner storming off crying and cursing?  Do you think that the scene was totally scripted? Do you hate the way the last episode ended as a cliffhanger? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and come back here for all your Bachelor Nation news.

James Michael


  1. Faith required him to make all the sacrifices and offer no flexibility herself………
    For the first time I saw clearly it couldn’t work……… he is not a country boy who will leave his children……..

    1. Unsure why people are upset about how things are going or saying the way Gerry is acting is fake. After all, everyone reacts differently & what’s so fake and scripted? Seems authentic to me & everyone I know is very much enjoying this season.

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