‘Teen Mom’ Chris Lopez Hits Kailyn Lowry With Low Blow

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Teen Mom fans agree that Chris Lopez just handed MTV alum Kailyn Lowry a new low blow about the kids. At the moment, the couple slams each other on social media after she revealed that she expects twins. What did he say this time, that got fans clapping back at him? Read on to find out.

Teen Mom Chris Lopez & Kailyn Lowry Swap Insults

Kailyn Lowry and the baby daddy of Lux and Creed seem to be eternally toxic. Fans suspect that she might secretly enjoy their feuds because they keep her relevant after the demise of her MTV career. Of course, she reacts, and her various podcast appearances sometimes address their differences.

Teen Mom fans saw that recently, Chris Lopez slammed Kail because she not only welcomed baby number five but also expects twins. Clapping at her and her boyfriend, Elijah Scott, he talked about how they don’t seem to be aware of “condoms.” Previously, he dissed her for her unsuccessful attempts to keep her pregnancies secret.

Chris Lopez Hands Kail A New Blow

MTV fans are never shocked when Kailyn Lowry’s ex disses her. After all, it’s nothing new. In June this year, he burned her hard with a series of social media posts. At the time, he claimed that single parenting was hard. Not because of the kids, but because of the baby mama. Now, his latest post suggested that kids should not live with their mothers.

Teen Mom Chris Lopez Hits Kailyn Lowry With Low Blow - via Reddit
Teen Mom – Chris Lopez disses Kailyn Lowry’s parenting  – via Reddit

Teen Mom fans saw the post that Chris Lopez shared and it soon made its way to Reddit. There, an OP said, “Chris on single fatherhood.” Fans reacted after they saw that he seemed in favor of the idea that kids do better not living with their mothers. Naturally, they thought he dissed Kailyn becasue of their many dramatic custody clashes.

MTV Fans Diss The Single Dad

One member of the sub said about Chris Lopez, that his talking about what’s good for the kids is a bit like “David Eason giving talks on tolerance.”

Another person took up the thread by saying, “Or Kail lecturing on birth control…Or Jenelle giving a TED Talk on creating a safe space for your children.”

Others felt annoyed because Kailyn really is not a single mother. After all, her various baby daddies all assist with co-parenting. Another follower wrote, “Sounds like the typical things a dead beat father says.”

Kailyn Lowry and Her Kids – Instagram

Do you think that the social media post by Chris Lopez was a massive dig at Kailyn Lowry? Are you in agreement that the reality TV star talking about good parenting is ironically like listening to Kail lecturing on birth control?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and come back here for all your MTV and Teen Mom news.

James Michael

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