‘Teen Mom’ Fans React To Kailyn Lowry Having A Girl

Kailyn Lowry-YouTube

Teen Mom fans are reacting to the possible news that one of Kailyn Lowry’s twins is a girl. She already has five boys, Isaac, Lincoln, Lux, Creed, and Rio. So, adding a girl to this bro bunch would be extremely exciting. Yet, why do they think a little lady is on the way? Read on for more details.

Teen Mom Fans React To Kailyn Lowry Having A Girl

Kailyn Lowry just revealed that she had her fifth child, a son whom she named Rio, at the end of 2022. Then, there was a lot of speculation she was pregnant again, possibly with twins. Her bump was on full display when she would be seen leaving her podcast studio. There was no way she could keep this pregnancy under wraps as long as she did her fifth. Finally, she confirmed that she came home from Thailand with a permanent souvenir and it happened to be a baby. Yet, not just one but rather twins.

Kailyn Lowry-YouTube
Kailyn Lowry-YouTube

Though she has not specifically revealed the genders, it appears one of the twins may be a girl. According to a Reddit thread, it looks like there is a female somewhere in there. The OP wrote this: “I just saw several folks comment on the TM Chatter Instagram that Kail is having a girl like this was confirmed news. Is this something I missed? I searched this sub but didn’t see anything.” So, could any fellow Redditors confirm or deny this rumor?

Kailyn Lowry/Facebook
Kailyn’s sons-Facebook

One immediately had this to share: “Back when the twins news leaked it was rumored that Kail told 2 different people 2 different stories. She told one person she was having two boys she told someone else it’s a boy and girl. Now we will have to wait and see who got the correct info 😆.” Others were fearful for the baby girl to have Kail as their mother. Then again, others really hoped for one girl so maybe Kailyn Lowry would be content and take a break from pregnancy. Ultimately, that is her choice how many kids she wants.

This Could Be Fact

As Redditors went back and forth about theories regarding the babies’ genders, one seemed to have some tea. Apparently, they live in Delaware and seemingly heard Kailyn Lowry discussing the babies publicly. This person claims that the Teen Mom alum is having a boy and a girl. Again, only time will tell what the genders are but it will be really exciting to see all of those boys will a little girl. More so, it will be interesting to see Kail go from boy mom to girl mom in a pinch.

Do you think there is a girl on board or is she destined to have seven boys? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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