‘Counting On’ Jessa Duggar Signed $80k Contract With Jim Bob?

Jim Bob Duggar and Jessa - YouTube

For years, fans of TLC’s Counting On wondered how Jim Bob Duggar had been able to keep his children from talking as they got married and left the nest. For example, it is no secret that Jessa Duggar still listens to her father and honors his wishes on social media despite being married and having children of her own.

Unfortunately, fans suspect Jessa Duggar signed a lifelong contract to keep her lips zipped and listen to her father. For the lost cost of just $80,000, fans believe Jim Bob Duggar was able to buy both Jessa’s silence and her obedience.

Talk of this contract, specifically Jessa Duggar signing it, came up in a new Reddit thread in the past 24 hours. What did fans have to say about Jim Bob essentially buying his daughter for the cost of $80,000? Keep reading for the details.

Counting On Jessa Duggar Seewald YouTube
Photo Credit: Jessa Seewald YouTube

Counting On Jessa Duggar Signed 80k Contract With Jim Bob?

In a new thread on Reddit, one fan asks if Jessa Duggar definitely signed a contract with her father.

“The one that includes an NDA for the REST OF HER LIFE. and all for 80k and maybe getting a salary that blob gets to decide and she has no control or say in.” The OP clarified.

Jim Bob Duggar - YouTube
Jim Bob Duggar – YouTube

Another fan chimed in to add they were fairly certain Jessa signed the contract because of the way she acted. They, however, believed that Jim Bob got many of his children to sign a similar contract.

Yea, I definitely think so. I also think that everyone else signed it as well (couples and Jana). I suspect that [Jeremy] and Jinger signed a revised one. She was always SOOO careful in both the book and any interview she’s done since on what she said about Rim and Meech. My guess is that [Jeremy] changed some of the wording as well as got their own co tract with TLC (hence the move to LA, they definitely seem to have $$$).

What Happens If They Break The NDA?

The big question fans have in response to this information is simple: What happens if one of his children violates the NDA? Other fans chime in to add that typically there is some amount of money an individual who breaks an NDA has to pay. The amount is usually relative to the value placed on the information spilled that breaks the NDA.

Other Duggar fans, however, question if a lifelong NDA will actually hold up in court. Typically, most NDAs do have some sort of expiration date.

Jessa Duggar Seewald
Jessa Duggar Seewald

Fans also question if a “lifelong” NDA would end when Jim Bob passes away. After all, how would he be able to enforce it from beyond the grave?

So, does Jessa Duggar signing a lifelong NDA with her father surprise you? Did Jim Bob Duggar make this move to protect himself? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more Duggar news.

Allie Johnson

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