‘The View:’ Whoopi Goldberg Loudly Warns Producer To Shut Up

Whoopi Goldberg Feature - YouTube

With her eyes bulging out of her head, Whoopi Goldberg of The View loudly warned a producer to shut up during Wednesday’s episode of the talk show. What exactly happened that caused the moderator to get heated with one of the producers? Keep reading for the details or scroll down to watch the brief clip.

The View: Whoopi Goldberg Loudly Warns Producer To Shut Up

During Wednesday’s episode of The View, the panel walked out to the song Theme From Shaft by Isaac Hayes. Whoopi Goldberg said it was to pay tribute to Richard Roundtree who passed away at the age of 81. His cause of death was pancreatic cancer which he had only been diagnosed with two months ago. 

Whoopi Goldberg added that Richard Roundtree was a huge milestone in Hollywood as he was the very first “black action hero.” 

Whoopi Goldberg - YouTube
Whoopi Goldberg – YouTube

The View moderator proceeded to get into a bit of a silly banter with the producers of the show when she said that she wanted to talk a bit about “John Shaft.”

Production Interrupts Her

Brian Teta, one of the producers, proceeded to interrupt Whoopi. He explained that he didn’t think it was a very good idea to talk about Shaft. A bit puzzled, Whoopi asked why and what he was talking about.

Brian said in a very cheeky response: “He’s a complicated man. Nobody understands him but his woman.”

The View Producer YouTube
The View Producer -YouTube

There was a roar of laughter from the crowd as Brian wasn’t actually giving Whoopi any grief. He was reciting some of the lyrics from the song. Whoopi responded with more lyrics from the song: “John Shaft?”

A second producer decided to dive into the joke.

“You know that shaft is a bad mother-.”

Whoopi Goldberg’s eyes became wide as he cut the other producer off before he could finish his train of thought by telling him to shut his mouth.

“But, I’m talking about Shaft,” the producer fired back as the joke continued.

Whoopi responded: “John Shaft.”

The audience roared and cheered in the background before Whoopi Goldberg ended the bit: “Can you dig it?”

Whoopi Goldberg Explains: Homage

Whoopi Goldberg concluded as she explained what just happened between her and the producers: “That’s our little homage. He was a great actor and a gorgeous man.”

Now, the rest of the panel didn’t get in on the banter between Whoopi and the producers. But, they did laugh and chuckle the entire time it was happening.

Watch the interaction between Whoopi and two producers of The View in the video clip down below:

Did you know Richard Roundtree passed away prior to this tribute on The View? Let us know what you thought of Whoopi’s banter with the producers down below. 

Allie Johnson

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