Woman Claims To Be Pregnant By David Eason, Threatens To Leak Texts

Teen Mom David Eason [Credit: Instagram]

A woman is claiming to be pregnant by David Eason of Teen Mom and threatening to leak their text messages. The famous Instagram account Teen Mom Chatter shared about what is going on. This woman says that she will be leaking all of their texts to TMZ.

Original Post Claiming She Is Pregnant By David Eason

Her original post states that David Eason met her at a bar and that she is pregnant by him. She says that she is leaking all of the texts to TMZ and that his wife Jenelle will know the truth about him. So far, she hasn’t done this yet. After that, she posted a poll asking if she should expose David or not. Next, she explained that David blocked her.

Her story is that she met David Eason online and then they hung out. He told her he was having issues with his wife. She is single with no kids. She says David came into the bar where she worked and they talked. After that, she went on to say that he gets stressed out being at home fighting with Jenelle. This girl got upset that David was posting but not responding to her sending him a positive pregnancy test.


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A post shared by David Eason (@easondavid88)

Update Stating David Called Her

After that, she posted an update saying that David had called her. She said that he was begging her not to release these text messages between them. If that is true, he probably doesn’t want his wife to see what they said to each other. Another thing she shared was that she was going to the doctor and would share her test to prove she wasn’t lying about being pregnant.

Her account is now gone or has been renamed so if she is going to post updates nobody will be able to find them. So far, she hasn’t had anything posted on TMZ and David Eason hasn’t responded to her accusations. It will be interesting to see if he does have anything to say about this one. For now, fans are just going to have their own assumptions and wait to hear from David or Jenelle.

Do you believe that this woman is pregnant by David Eason? Do you think that he will respond? Sound off in the comments and don’t miss new episodes of Teen Mom spin-offs on MTV. Teen Mom: The Next Chapter just ended its season and there is no news about another season coming yet.

Mandy Robinson

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