Laura Wright Breaks Silence About Leaving ‘General Hospital’

Known for her roles in Loving and General Hospital, actress Laura Wright made herself a pillar of the daytime soap opera genre. Although the fourth actress to play the character, Carly Corinthos, Wright encompassed the role and eventually landed a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series in 2011. Before General Hospital, the actress landed a role in Guiding Light. Surprisingly, Wright starred in two of the longest-running soap operas in history, Guiding Light and General Hospital. But it seems that it might be the end for Wright and the daytime show. Or at least that is what the Internet is saying.

As rumors of Laura Wirght’s exit from General Hospital circulated, fans questioned what would happen to Carly. According to the storyline, Carly is currently in a storm of controversy. Her love interest, Drew, received a brutal beating from two inmates and she is still unsure who reported him to the SEC. With so many questions left unanswered, fans hoped that the news was nothing more than gossip. Others wondered what would be next for the actress if the rumors were true. Spending her career in the world of soap operas, it only made sense that some drama would follow Wright into the real world.

Laura Wright Sets The Record Straight

With the news finally reaching Laura Wright, she decided to take to social media and clear the air. For those worried, it appears that the rumor was just that. Posting a flattering picture, it seems that Wright got the last laugh. She wrote, “Not sure how these crazy rumors get started but heck no I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay as long as you guys will have me. !!!”

Fans of General Hospital and Laura Wright filled the comment section with love and support for the actress. One fan wrote, “Well good. Pretty sure most would agree with me…we want you as Carly forever!!! That’s how long I plan on watching GH. You’re truly the best!!” Another person added, “We don’t want you to go anywhere, Laura. We love you, and you are a big asset to GH. We love you playing Carly Spencer.”

Wes Ramsey Celebrates His Amazingly Talented Girlfriend

Born on September 11, Laura Wright shares her birthday with the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. Although a somber day, her boyfriend, Wes Ramsey, posted a heartfelt message online, stating, “My best friend and the love of my life was born on this day. As she continues to inspire so many on her journey (myself included) I remain in awe of her strength while being so sensitive, humbled by her dreamy optimism balanced with a beautiful simplicity towards pragmatism. I learn more about life and myself the longer I know her & continually feel a deep gratitude in sharing my own journey alongside hers.”

Who is your favorite character in General Hospital? Let us know in the comment section below.


  1. Laura Wright is a phenomenonal actress who lights up the screen in every scene that she’s in, I love the character Carly Spencer and I’ve been blessed to see each of the actresses who have played Carly for over50 years so I know just who Carly really is, and Laura Wright has made Carly Spencer the best lead actress on GH and she always brings it with any scene she’s in she is smart sassy fierce and extremely loyal to all the people she loves but she will fight like hell to protect and defend her family she makes mistakes and always own them and refuses to let anyone tell her how to run her life and whatever she has to do if she feels threatened or if she knows that someone is trying to hurt her family she is a fighter who refuses to let anyone control her

    1. I totally agree! I love Laura Wright as Carly. I also like Steve Burton as Jason. GH was kinda boring without him.
      They’re hardly using him in a storyline. They bring back this amazing character and he’s hardly on. What’s wrong with these writers?

  2. Laura Wright is the BEST Carly EVER she is VERY professional when she has to be…. ( I believe Carly is Laura’s second personality) 😉She’s just beyond words I just LOVE HER bad ass ways and how “””SHE made Carly “”” Wonderful actress and ” Thank you Laura…And good lord you have absolutely beautiful thick hair.. Could go on and on but at the beginning of show I always see if Carly is on if not just dvr and watch later..when I heard the rumor Laura was possibly leaving it just crushed me .(Carly & Jason”) Very happy your staying we’ll keep you forever also “WELCOME BACK JASON” OH YEAHHH Jason’s still ” Stone cold yummy” LOVE ALL OF GH….

  3. Please don’t give up on GH! Too many good people are leaving. I’m 68 and watched since I was 7 yrs old

  4. Carly and Jason are great they need to have sonny realize something is wrong with his bipolar meds. so he can get back to himself again before his whole world blows up and he won’t be able to do anything to help the people he loves now that he gave Ava the boot out of his home.

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