‘Teen Mom’ Briana DeJesus Wants Sister To Adopt Daughter

Briana DeJesus-Instagram

Why does Teen Mom star Briana DeJesus want her sister to adopt her daughter? This seems like a very odd request given the fact that she appears perfectly capable of raising her own children. So, does she have a method to her madness? Read on for more details on the whole situation.

Teen Mom Briana DeJesus Wants Sister To Adopt Daughter

Briana DeJesus has a lot going on in her mind and can come up with some interesting ideas. She is also short-tempered and fiery while being a mother to two daughters, Nova and Stella. Yet, does she want her older sister, Brittany to adopt her youngest, Stella? More so, why would she want that when she seems perfectly capable of raising her own children? Actually, it has nothing to do with Briana but more with Stella’s father, Luis Hernandez. They have had a rough relationship where Briana has alleged that he takes his anger for not being with Bri out on Stella.

Briana DeJesus-Instagram
Briana DeJesus & Family-Instagram

A Reddit thread was recently started to address the idea that Briana DeJesus wants Brittany to adopt her daughter. The OP wrote this: “Preview for next week’s episode has a clip of Briana discussing her sister adopting Stella? Anyone have the scoop on this? I have to assume the edit took it out of context?!” There were a lot of questions and mixed feelings about this situation. One Redditor quickly jumped in with this: “Another stupid storyline she won’t go through with she’s been trying to have that baby adopted as a storyline since she was in utero.”

Briana DeJesus-Instagram
Briana, Stella-Instagram

Another follower added that Briana DeJesus has been trying to terminate Luis’ rights as a parent, especially if he is not in Stella’s life. However, there are a lot of logistics that go along with this that she may not be thinking about. The biggest thing is that Luis would have to sign his rights away for Brittany to even consider adopting her niece and he probably would not do such a thing. Therefore, Briana can theorize all she wants.

If She Passes…

One Redditor pointed out that Briana DeJesus may be worried that if she passes away, Luis will get Stella. Yet, they do not think he would actually want that responsibility. He was just arrested back in May 2023 so that could help her in the long run but she does not seem to have the best motives. Other followers think that she needs to stop talking about family drama in front of her kids. They do not deserve that in any capacity.

Do you believe that Briana is thinking rationally when it comes to the adoption situation? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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