Ryan Seacrest Feeling Love From ‘WOF’ Co-Host

Ryan Seacrest [GMA | YouTube]

Ryan Seacrest is feeling the love from his future Wheel of Fortune co-host, Vanna White. Up until a short time ago, it was unclear if she would be returning to the hit game show. Her contract was still in limbo but now that it has been solidified, she and Seacrest will be partners in crime. So, how is she showing love to Seacrest prior to him joining the series? Read on for more details.

Ryan Seacrest Feeling Love From WoF Co-Host

Come 2024, Ryan Seacrest will take over hosting duties on Wheel of Fortune. The show will try to make the transition from Pat Sajak who started in 1981, to Seacrest as seamless as possible. They want their faithful viewers to feel comfortable with what is going on. In June 2023, Sajak made the grand announcement that Season 41 would be his last. Fans started to guess who would replace him though he is clearly irreplaceable. Ultimately, it was revealed that host extraordinaire, Ryan would be the new Sajak which was a perfect choice.

Pat Sajak Vanna White YouTube Wheel Of Fortune
Vanna, Pat-YouTube

However, what about Vanna White? Would the show do a complete rebranding and bring in a new letter-turner to keep the series fresh and fun? There was chatter about Pat’s daughter, Maggie Sajak and then Vanna went into negotiations. After a lot of struggle and stress, she has seemingly gotten what she wanted and will be there when Ryan Seacrest starts. It appears that the two are already off to a great beginning, according to ET.

Ryan Seacrest YouTube
Ryan Seacrest-YouTube

Ryan shared he is really excited about working with Vanna, who joined WoF in 1982. More so, he detailed their correspondence so far: “I’m so excited! She’s beloved, by this nation, she is just such an important part of the show. She has been for so many years. I’m honored to be on stage with her soon.” He went on to add that they have shared “just the most pleasant texts.” More so, “She’s super, sweet, and super nice and it’s just going to be surreal for me to be on that set and of course, standing next to the legendary Vanna White.”

A New Era

Fans will still have one more season of Pat Sajak and Vanna White before Ryan Seacrest enters. It is unclear if he will start coming in occasionally for Sajak to give viewers a chance to adjust. Fortunately, with Vanna by his side, there will be a bit of familiarity which will be quite helpful. Plus, it seems like he is overjoyed to be doing this alongside her so that makes it even sweeter.

Are you looking forward to the new dynamic duo? Or, do you think Vanna should have left, as well? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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