‘Live With Kelly And Mark’ Busted Trying To Fool Viewers

Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos Get Naughty [Live With Kelly & Ryan | YouTube]

Naturally, viewers are upset with Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos currently. While fans love the Live With Kelly And Mark show, they are angry that they tried to “pull one over” on them. Some things should be left to the cast, crew, and producers, but viewers think the show pulled something extra-shady with the Thursday episode.

Live With Kelly And Mark 9/21/2023

During the Live With Kelly And Mark show, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos got a little surprise they weren’t expecting. Producers hid a small change that became apparent in the Stump Mark segment. But the hosts picked up on the change very quickly. Lately, there have been several oddities during the Stump Mark section. And even though Thursday’s episode had some fun parts to it, fans are being very vocal about a bigger issue.

What Happened That Riled Fans Up?

Many fans are speaking out about the Thursday episode of Live With Kelly And Mark. Most of the anger stems not from something they did, but instead from something they didn’t do. While the couple entered the show, everything seemed normal, even down to the two dancing while coming in. No surprise, it was to the classic Earth, Wind & Fire hit, “September.” Just like the lyrics say, the show was airing on the 21st of September. But there was a sneaky comment on the bottom of the screen when showing the DJ, DÉJÀ VU, that revealed the truth. This episode was, “Previously Recorded.” During the show, there was no reference to this fact. Surprisingly, the hosts made no admission the show was taped in advance. They carried on as if they were Live.

Continuing the facade, they paused to discuss their entrance music for Live With Kelly And Mark that day. While applauding their in-house DJ, DÉJÀ VU, for her song selection, Kelly said, “You never fail. Every time. I’m like, ‘I wonder if she’s going to play it?’ Kelly answers herself, “Yes, she’s going to play it.” Then Kelly introduced the date as September 21, 2023, and the program continued. It truly seems to be an effort to conceal or at least divert the truth.

Live With Kelly And Mark Is Not Truly The Case Anymore

This isn’t the first or even second previously recorded Live With Kelly And Mark for this season. Fans already are upset that Kelly and Mark missed September 11th. Now they are voicing even more disapproval.

One person on X says, “You don’t work live on Thursday now?” followed by the hashtag #WTF. Echoing anger from the previously taped episodes, fans erupted online with their opinions. A comment directed at the frustration, “When they changed the hostname, [they] should have changed the title of the program to Prerecorded with Kelly and Mark. How many days a week did they agree to work? @kellymarklive #itsnotlive” Equally, another replied, “You Fakers!! You’re too lazy to do a ‘LIVE’ show!! Do us all a favor, & just give it up already!!” Then one pointed out the absence of information, “This is so horrible. I can’t believe you’re trying to fool people. People are not stupid! Painful to sit through honestly.”

What do you think about the Live With Kelly And Mark show having several prerecorded shows so early in the season? Do you think this is intentional? Give us some feedback below in the comments.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

One Comment

  1. Sure would be nice if “Live” would be live from beginning to end instead of first 15 minutes then previous interviews being shown again and last 5 minutes live. I no longer watch the show. Also, she over talks Mark not letting him finish what he’s saying.

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