Kim Zolciak Brain Scan Indicates She’s Still Affected By Stroke

Kim Zolciak YouTube

Recently, 45-year-old Real Housewives of Atlanta alum, Kim Zolciak and her daughter Brielle Biermann, 26, each had brain scans completed. Significantly, Kim Zolciak has taken her brain health very seriously since her stroke in 2015. Unquestionably, the brain scans were performed by noteworthy Dr. Daniel G. Amen with the Amen Clinics. Kim Zolciak shared the results on her Instagram.

Kim Zolciak’s Added Stressors Over The Past Year

As most are aware, Kim Zolciak’s past year has been full of stress. Chiefly, the separation from her husband whom she had been with for more than a decade. Furthermore, things got ugly many times in the past several months. Kim Zolciak filed for divorce in May. Allegedly, the main reasons stem from financial issues, reportedly due to Kim’s gambling issues. The legal paperwork to dismiss the divorce was filed in July 2023. However, more news of financial strain has been reported. Unfortunately, the added pressure of not being able to make ends meet seems to have pushed the couple apart again. Just one month after reconciling, Kroy filed for divorce from Kim for a second time stating the marriage was, “irretrievably broken.”

Kim and Kroy - YouTube
Kim and Kroy – YouTube

No one knows for sure, but Kim Zolciak has seemed to run away as a distraction when times got bad. Surprisingly, her reason for taking off during the height of the July financial issues might not be a complete sham. She alluded to her jet-setting being for healthcare related to her stroke. However, her demeanor while the family struggles has been a bit questionable.

Reviewing The Results

Within the scan, results showed that Kim Zolciak suffered from a stroke. However, it is not a Transient ischemic attack (TIA) or “warning stroke,” which can usually resolve by itself. Previously, Kim’s diagnosis showed a hole in her heart. In effect, it is identified as Patent foramen ovale (PFO). Later, she had the hole closed without issues. Sadly, Kim is still noticing some side effects of the stroke to this day.

As a result, Kim Zolciak has talked about how she sometimes can’t “find” a word when she is in conversation with someone. So while she hasn’t noticed a physical limitation she admits there are times when she completely loses her train of thought. Kim revealed that the scan also picked up a previous injury. She suffered from a concussion in a bad car accident as a teenager.

Kim Zolciak / YouTube

Focusing On Brain Health

Understandably, Kim has portrayed her need to be vigilant in maintaining her brain health. While no one wants her to neglect her healthcare, many fans are concerned she is using it as an excuse. Seemingly, she isn’t facing the other obvious issues in the family and the deteriorating marriage. Finding balance may be necessary for Kim in the future.

Both Kim Zolciak and Brielle Biermann’s brain scan experience will be in an upcoming episode of Dr. Amen’s YouTube series Scan My Brain.

Do you think Kim Zolciak is making the right decisions? Will the divorce be a power struggle all the way? What are your thoughts on the current Zolciak-Biermann events? Let us know in the comments.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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