Catelynn & Tyler Baltierra Encouraging Daughter’s Adult Behavior?

Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra-YouTube
Are Teen Mom stars Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra encouraging their daughter’s adult behavior? The couple has come under fire in the past for parenting choices and safety issues. Yet, this time, it seems that fans are concerned that the couple is allowing Nova, 8, to grow up a tad too fast. Are they? Read on for more details. 

Catelynn & Tyler Baltierra Encouraging Daughter’s Adult Behavior?

It has been a hard ride for Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra since they got pregnant as teens. However, they were able to overcome the sadness of putting their firstborn up for adoption. They went on to welcome three more beautiful girls despite still getting scrutiny from fans. Mainly over little things like how they hung the television in the playroom and safety issues. Now, it is another level as their daughter, Nova, 8, was seen experimenting with makeup on her own. According to The Sun, Catelynn was distracted by her own family issues.

Catelynn Lowell YouTube

She and her brother, Nicholas were going back and forth about trying to reconcile. This actually became public a short time ago with Nicholas calling out Catelynn as being “toxic.” Plus, he made a bunch of allegations against his BIL, Tyler Baltierra, as well. It was a nasty scene but the initial breakdown is seen on Teen Mom. At this point, Catelynn has opted to write Nicholas a letter when Nova calls her for makeup help. Since she is busy, Tyler goes in to assist as she was putting on eyeshadow.

Nova-Teen Mom-Instagram
Nova-Teen Mom-Instagram

Nova did not care for Tyler Baltierra’s help and responded: “Dad, you don’t know makeup.” Still, he did his best to try to help with eyeliner and be there for his daughter. Unfortunately, fans did not see it that way at all. One person tweeted: “Catelynn and Tyler are so concerned about Nova‘s safety but they are putting make up on the girl… um ok…” Another added: “Shes a bit young for eyeliner.” Fortunately, they did have some people in their corner who felt Tyler was being an amazing parent. 

Girl Dad

Despite the criticism that Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra did receive over the makeup situation, some applauded it. They appreciated how Tyler just jumped right in and was willing to try and help Nova.

It was also deemed adorable Nova’s reaction to her dad coming in to help as opposed to her mother. Keep in mind, she does do cheerleading so wearing a lot of makeup for competitions is something she has grown used to. Therefore, playing around with eyeshadow and such is not that unfounded.

Do you think that Tyler should have stopped Nova from putting on makeup so young or was it sweet that he jumped in? Let us know and watch Teen Mom: The Next Chapter on MTV.

Amanda Lauren

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