Did Sean “Sticks” Larkin Leave ‘On Patrol Live’?

Sean "Sticks" Larkin

Fans watching On Patrol Live each week love Sean “Sticks” Larkin from the Tulsa Police Dept. Though, this fan favorite hasn’t been around lately, though. Fans are wondering if “Sticks” has left the show or what is going on.

Sean “Sticks” Larkin Joins New Show

It was revealed at the end of June that Sean “Sticks” Larkin would be joining a show on Fox Nation. Of course, this is going to take up some of his time. He is now on the show Crime Cam 24/7. At the time of this announcement, Jason Klaman the President of Fox Nation shared saying:

“After greenlighting the iconic series ‘Cops’ back in 2021, we saw how engaged our subscribers are in the realm of true crime and we are thrilled to offer new content from this genre to meet the strong demand. As a former member of law enforcement, Sticks is the perfect voice to bring this show to life.”

Is He Coming Back To On Patrol Live?

So will “Sticks” be back on On Patrol Live. It turns out that he isn’t gone from the show for good. He went to his Twitter to share details about what was going on in his life. Here is what he had to say.

“#OPNation! After nearly 25 yrs of working weekends as a police officer and a lot of hours doing TV, I’m cutting back to enjoy time with family, friends and other adventures. Still part of the show @OfficialOPLive and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!”

His exact return date hasn’t been revealed, but “Sticks” will be back once again. Fans have been pretty upset about the fact that he wasn’t around and flocking to social media networks to ask if he will be back again or not. Here is what some of them had to say:

  • Where’s Sticks?? #OPNation
  • #OPLive. #OPLive #OnPatrolLive #OPNation. No Sticks again 😭
  • I’m glad Sticks is back #OPLive #OPNation #OPLiveNation

The one fan that was glad he was back was on July 28, but then he was missing again this week. It seems like “Sticks” will be there from time to time, but don’t expect to see him every week. No worries, though, he isn’t going anywhere and is part of the On Patrol Live family. Basically, he is just living his life.

Are you glad to hear that Sean “Sticks” Larkin isn’t gone for good and will still be around? Sound off in the comments below and don’t miss new episodes of On Patrol Live on Reelz.

Mandy Robinson


    1. yes but it seems that he chose to leave for more money and his OWN show. opl seems like they’re thirsty for anyone to join them so of course they’re saying he hasn’t left because it would probably annoying enough people for them to stop watching the show all together. but in all reality he’s gone and will show on his terms. this is why there isn’t too much said about him on the show besides he’s on vacation lol. they seen to even not know when he even decides pop in again. I feel like he kinda sold out the op nation by going where the money is instead of staying loyal to this one show. just my two cents

    2. I’m just tired of hearing maybe, maybe not. Just go to your other station n stop for good juggling OP audiences around. Karen

  1. No. Wish he was gone. He is rude to Curtis and does most of the talking even if it is Curtis’s Dept!

    1. Agreed!!! I love Curtis and his personality. Dan is quiet but every now and then makes. Funny comment and let’s his FUN personality shine! Ready for Shawn to depart and being on someone else….that will allow others blue light to shine!! Pun intended!!!!

          1. Curtis has mostly copied whatever comments Sean just said.
            He’s in over his head. If Sean doesn’t want to be a regular, get someone else in that role. Curtis cannot do it alone.

    2. I don’t know what show you’re watching, but it can’t be OPLive as Sean is great. Haven’t seen him be rude to anyone and I’ve been watching him since LivePD.

      1. I totally agree !!! Sean MADE THE SHOW !! If anyone should be upset, it’s Sean… Dan ask’s his input, then totally interrupts him to go LIVE to someone who is driving to a situation… Dan could have let him finish!!!
        Curtis is very informative and is still active. He possess a great sense of what is happening ( especially within his own department) and tries ( when Dan isn’t interrupting him as well ) to offer insight. Sean and Curtis made the show…from PD Live and OP Nation. In all fairness, Dan is getting a little bit better at going to LIVE departments on a more timely fashion, but continues to ask a question, then interrupts during the answer. Don’t want to watch ANYMORE !!!

        1. lol wow you clearly don’t know Dan,,that’s him MO in general if you’ve ever watched his news show or any of the many shows he’s been on. it keeps the spectators on their feet and excited when he says “oh wait we just got something outta +&+* county” etc lol you sound corny

    3. Wow, we must be watching different ‘On Patrol, Live’ shows. I’ve not noticed Sean being rude to anyone. He is somewhat shy and that may come off as him being stand-offish.

    4. The show is pure BS. A being in law enforcement for over 30 years I get the feeling that parts of this show is staged plus I’ve never seen a show take so many breaks as this one!

    5. he’s rude to curtis?😆 it’s kinda scripted to where they both speak fyi. its beyond boring with this fill in nobody cops like the one last week. the week before (black cop) Richmond county (curtis pd )I think is wicked cool and brings energy to the show, and curtis likes him.

      1. There was no chemistry between Sean & Curtis! The new guy Tom Rizzo has a much more jovial personality, & is not about himself like Sean was. I stopped watching because of him, but am enjoying the crew now

    6. agree with you but I’m glad he’s gone. he became all gobsmacked with himself, kinda looking like his poo don’t stink, and then offered another gig. when he shows back up they all fawn over him like he’s a big celebrity, it’s sickening. Curtis has finally gained first seat and rightfully so: class act there, not stuck on himself like sticks.

    7. I agree Christy, I’m glad his arrogant a** isn’t on on a regular basis and I would be happier if he didn’t come back at all!

      Curtis Wilson & Tom Rizzo are sooooooooo much better than Snotty Sticks ever thought of being!

    8. I agree Christy, I’m glad his arrogant butt is gone!! He barely let Curtis say anything, he had to be hearing himself talk!

      I really enjoy when Hazen Chief Taylor or Captain Tom Rizzo are there. I’d love to see one of them take Sticks place permanently!

  2. @chris!
    Not sure what show you are watching either my friend! Curtis is not boring…he just doesn’t feel the need to over talk everyone else.
    Either way….you enjoy it for what you get out of it and I’ll do the same! :0)
    Mike Bryant will be on tonight….definitely tuning in for that.

  3. Glad to hear Sean “Sticks” Larkin isn’t leaving ON Patrol Live! Sticks, Dan, & Curtis are a great combo for OP Live. I understand the desire to want to spend time with his son & daughter. Oklahoma is proud to have Sean representing each week he’s on air. Look forward to seeing him soon.

  4. Show not the same without “sticks”. Need him back full time or near full time. Fill-ins have mostly been boring.

  5. Really glad to hear “Sticks” is still with OP live. I enjoyed seeing him on Live PD. When I saw he was on this show, I was really happy! I wish him all the luck with his new venture and enjoying his life with family and friends..

    1. Really don’t think Fox is controlled by government, since they are definitely proud to stand for our freedoms and antigovernment!

  6. Sticks makes the show. Big loss. He is smart, fair and unfortunately makes Dan look a little weak. His new show is faster paced and more exciting. Curtis seems smart and pleasant. Just new. It is a shame Sticks cannot be on both.

  7. Here we are, made it to Sept. 8th and after being in limbo AGAIN as to whether “On-Patrol Live” was gone or coming back, don’t know if we should be satisfied w/the meaningless zero explanations. All we were seeing have been reruns. Would have been nice to have known what was going on. Not everyone was on “Twitter” or “X” or whatever. After the lack of explanation when we lost OP-Live after the shooting back when, we’re not stupid, just say-it – Keep us informed, that’s all. Is that too much to ask?

    1. Agree. You lose the most popular panelist on the show to a competitor and not even a mention on air. That turns viewers off unless the networks are trying to work out some sort of compromise so Sticks can remain on both shows, if he has the time and energy. It’s just too bad that Fox apparently came by to recruit Larkin and weaken Op Live. At least, that’s what it looks like.

  8. If Sticks can’t be there for most of the shows – they need to replace him with another permanent person. I liked the 3 of them together but I agree – I don’t like all the guests they are having. Feels like a cliffhanger every week waiting to see if he is on there – and not a good cliffhanger. Think Dan will go back to his funny self if he feels comfortable with the new permanent person

  9. Dan Abrams is not a law enforcement officer. Nope, he is a lawyer. What do you call a thousand lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean? Answer: a good start! I am sorry about his health issues, but he is RUDE, and over talks everyone. My Southern grandmothers would have slapped him into next week. Sometimes I want to, especially when he cuts off Curtis mid-conment!

  10. We need “Sticks” back! I don’t mind a guest once in a while, but Dan, Curtis and “Sticks” make the show worth watching.

  11. Uhhhmm, if it weren’t for Dan Abrams there would’ve been no OPLive (or Live PD)! Curtis is way cool. And Sticks rules! I hope he could be on much as possible, but whatever is best for him & his family = 👍. Whoever is there, it’s always a great idea show.

  12. I agree, time for Mr. Larkin to **it or get off the pot. If he wants to spend more time with the family fine, cool, fantastic, but this on the show, off the show needs to stop.

  13. I don’t watch this show for Dan, Curtis, guests, and especially not for ‘I think I’m a star’ Sticks. I watch for the actual policing segments. if y’all want a show with just talking heads, go watch one of those yucky news stations where they all sit around yapping and tellin us what we’re supposed to think, do, read, watch, eat and vote. op live a cop show, not a chat show.

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