‘Bachelorette’ Brayden Bowers Pal Reveals True Personality

Brayden Bowers via youTube

Bachelorette contestant Brayden Bowers has been getting a bad edit on Charity Lawson’s season. He has been deemed the “villain” of the season. He’s also been called out for his flamboyant style. However, many wonder if he’s getting a bad wrap and using his sense of style to gain fame. Is it true? A pal of Brayden’s spoke out and shared his true personality with Bachelor Nation. Keep reading to find out more.

Is Brayden Bowers really a villain?

Is Bachelorette suitor Brayden Bowers really a villain or is he getting a bad edit? One of his friends spoke out and shared what Brayden is really like. Caleb Webb says he is Brayden’s best friend and spoke with The Sun about the kind of person the travel nurse really is.

According to Caleb, Brayden is nothing like the show makes him out to be. He believes Brayden has gotten a bad edit from the producers of The Bachelorette. In upcoming episodes, Caleb believes fans will see a better version of Brayden. He also says he is 100% there for the right reasons. Despite Adrian saying he was there acting like it was Spring Break, Brayden is serious about finding love.

In fact, Brayden has had a rough history with relationships and was hoping for something new on the show. He wasn’t the one who applied to join the show either. A friend nominated him and he made the cut.

Charity and Brayden via Insta

Caleb says he watched some of the show with Brayden and was told some of the scenes were cut out. Brayden understands he signed up for it all but Caleb insists it’s not who Brayden really is. He also thinks Brayden and Charity could be a good match and are looking for the same things.

Caleb said, “The second episode, it seemed like they cut all the scenes where he was like, ‘I’m not happy with her kissing all these guys and stuff,’ and they made him out to be this super bad guy, and that’s not him at all.” He continued, “He’s definitely authentic in his intentions.”

Caleb revealed that Brayden is more genuine and empathetic than what was aired during Episode 2. He said, “He values people’s time and memories with them more so than anything else.”

Brayden Bowers via Insta 2

Is Brayden’s flamboyant style all for show?

Caleb also spoke out about Brayden’s style. Many believe he wears his flamboyant earrings and other accessories to gain attention. His friend says that is not true at all.

The former member of the United States Army got his ears pierced about a year and a half ago. Caleb said Brayden has always been comfortable trying new things.

Caleb said “It’s not like an image that he put on for the show at all. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you saw clips in there too where he’s dressed to the nines looking really good with a suit on and everything.” He continued explaining that he’s also not afraid to try something way out in left field and just run with it.

He also said that Brayden likes to be that out-there person.  Caleb said, “Like, that’s 100 percent his personality.” Brayden also doesn’t care what others think and if he goes for something then he goes for it all the way.

As for all the hate coming his way, Caleb says Brayden is handling it well and doesn’t let it get to him. He just laughs it off and moves on.

What do you think of Brayden and his style? Is he getting a bad edit?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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