Charlie Sheen’s Hard Life Catches Up: Battling Borderline Dementia

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Two and a Half Men alum Charlie Sheen created quite a reputation for himself as a party animal. The 57-year-old was known to go hard with drugs, alcohol, and tons of s*x partners. As those who have followed the actor know, his hard life caught up to him when he was diagnosed with HIV in 2011. The actor lived with the deadly virus for four years before going public with his diagnosis in 2015.

Sadly, his hard life seems to have caught up with him again as he’s reportedly battling with “borderline dementia,” according to sources close to the actor who spoke to Radar Online recently.

Charlie Sheen’s Hard Life Catches Up: Battling Borderline Dementia

Sadly, the 57-year-old actor is currently struggling with both mood swings and memory loss. Charlie Sheen is reportedly having difficulty completing some simple daily tasks. And, he’s blaming the side effects of the powerful medications he takes to keep his HIV in check.

Speaking to Radar Online, New York internist Dr. Stuart Fischer notes that given Charlie’s history with drugs and alcohol, his borderline dementia might not have anything to do with the medication he takes. In fact, it could simply be the result of his hard life.

The symptoms of dementia may not be an outgrowth of his medications alone. You cannot discount the years of drugs and alcohol abuse along with dangerous s*xual promiscuity.”

Charlie Sheen became a disgraced TV star after fessing up to having unprotected intimacy after learning of his HIV status. After making this confession, the actor went into rehab for his addiction to crack cocaine.

Dr. Fischer continued to tell Radar Online: “He has caused untold damage to himself. Hopefully, his brain function can be restored, but after a lifetime of self-destructive behavior, it may be too late to head off possible long-term effects.”

The doctor tells Radar Online there is a chance Charlie’s brain can recover if it is allowed the time it needs to heal. It, however, is also possible the damage is already done and it could be too late to reverse the long-term issues his “party hard” lifestyle caused.

Charlie Sheen is reportedly doing what he can with the time he has left to make things right with the loved ones he’s hurt over the years with his destructive behaviors.

Did you know Charlie Sheen was currently battling with borderline dementia? Do you think the prescription meds cause it or his rough lifestyle? Let us know in the comments down below.

Allie Johnson


  1. Alcohol is the most lethal drug on the market. It’s the only drug that we can never kick. It destroys brain cells and creates ugly personality that demons in lovely people. I hate alcohol. I love Two and A Half Men and everyone on it.

  2. I’m sorry about Charlie Sheen’s dementia and his poor prognoses. My family and I enjoyed two and a half men every week giving us many chuckles. Also I’ve watched “platoon” several times and that is a great movie and not so far from the truth……..Thank you to Charlie and his co-stars.

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