Kody Brown Stews Over Only Having One Wife

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube

Is Sister Wives star Kody Brown bitter and angry that he only has one wife left?

After watching the family patriarch onscreen for 17 Seasons, plenty of fans certainly seem to think so. Kody Brown has always been known for his large ego. It just makes sense that he would be bothered by parting ways with three wives.

But lately, fans have noticed some erratic and telling behavior from Kody. What exactly is going on?

Sister Wives fans notice Kody Brown’s strange social media behavior

Kody Brown has been pretty silent on social media for quite some time now. These days, he really only interacts with fans over Cameo. But his Cameo presence has been a little bizarre lately.

Is it possible the divorces are getting to him?

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“Kody’s cameo song,” the original Redditor titled their post. “I don’t think Kody and Robyn have split up, but if he is doing songs about not having ‘wives’ you know he is stewing and brewing over at least Janelle and Christine leaving him. (Not sure if he really cared about Meri leaving because in his brain he left her).”

The OP went on to say that they “almost” felt sorry for Robyn because now she has to tolerate Kody’s poor behavior all on her own.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLCSourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“The saddest part of all of this is it seems that he attaches his children to the mom that gave birth to them, so he has punished any child that was birthed by a wife that wasn’t in his eyes obedient, loyal or kissed the ring. He may still talk to Mykelti but I think Robyn and Kody use Mykelti to get information on Christine,” they continued.

They concluded their post by wishing Kody Brown would get some individual therapy.

Other Redditors chime in on the situation

Other Redditors immediately agreed with the OP’s points. Something is definitely going on with Kody Brown right now. And by all accounts, it seems like he really is stewing about the break-ups.

“I wonder if Janelle has officially, officially left him. They had been calling themselves ‘separated’ and Janelle said because of their faith she has to be open to reconciliation,” another Redditor added. “Maybe she’s told him she’s no longer open to it and is officially gone. Besides Robyn leaving (and we don’t have any proof of that) I don’t know what would suddenly cause him to be upset about the state of his marriages. But I bet he always thought Janelle was a backup.”

Others echoed similar sentiments and concluded that Janelle will always choose her children over Kody. And over the last few years, Kody has treated Janelle’s children very poorly. She isn’t likely to reconcile with him unless that changes.

What do you think about Kody Brown’s recent social media activity? Could he be stewing and sulking over losing his wives? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Check back soon for more information on Kody Brown and the rest of the Sister Wives cast.

Nikole Behrens
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