‘GMA’ Deborah Roberts, 62, Goes HARD At The Gym

Deborah Roberts - GMA - Instagram

Good Morning America anchor Deborah Roberts is going hard at the gym in a recent series of videos shared on social media.

The talk show host shared videos on Instagram showcasing grueling workouts with her son. The GMA anchor doesn’t shy away from the sweat. In fact, she goes hard at the gym. It should be no surprise given the fact that Deborah is known for running and focusing on fitness. But at age 62, she’s showing that there’s no reason to slow down and every reason to keep pushing.

Deborah Hits The Gym Hard After Running Injury

Good Morning America anchor Deborah Roberts showed off her fit body in a few videos that she shared on Instagram stories last week.

In the videos, Deborah hits a number of high-intensity workout machines, not slowing for an instant. It’s remarkable to see Deborah back in the gym and going full tilt after she injured herself earlier this month. The GMA anchor pulled a muscle while on a run through New York City. At the time, Deborah revealed the injury in another Instagram stories video and explained that she struggled to finish her run.

Nick Roker - Deborah Roberts - GMA - Instagram
Nick Roker – Deborah Roberts – GMA – Instagram

Deborah explained that she was trying to catch up with her son and running buddy. But suddenly “… the area behind my right knee buckled… I don’t know what that tendon is…but that’s not good.”

After slowing her pace and taking it easy, the talk show host was able to finish her workout. Back in March, Deborah admitted that she had fallen off the fitness train and was focused on getting back on track. With Nick at her side, the GMA anchor has clearly reclaimed her stride. And she has recovered enough to be back at 100% in the gym.

Deborah Roberts And Son Nick Feature Family Fitness

The newest videos feature Deborah, along with her son, Nick, who she welcomed with her husband Al Roker. Nick, 20, and Deborah keep each other inspired and motivated while working out, and the newest videos show just how well their dynamic works.

In the videos, Deborah and Nick first entered the gym. While hyping herself up for the workout to come, Deborah asked Nick, “Alright Fitnation, you ready?” Nick affirmed that he is ready. Deborah pointed the camera at their fitness instructor, Don Scott, and they got down to business.

In the next video, Deborah and Nick lifted kettlebells side by side. They started with a relatively gentle warmup before Deborah encouraged her son to “pick it up” and they cranked up the intensity. In another video, Nick could be seen doing hip thrusts under the guidance of their instructor, and Deborah focused on back exercises with the kettlebells. Next, Nick sprinted on a treadmill while Deborah hit the resistance cables for some chest muscle strengthening.

Deborah then pinned a feather in the cap of their workout with some impressive one-legged pushups. In a photo she captioned, “Yessss!!!!!” Deborah and Nick flex their biceps at the end of their workout.

Good Morning America anchor Deborah Roberts and her son Nick are an impressive fitness duo. Do you have a gym buddy who hypes you up as much as Nick and Deborah hype each other up? What exercises do you think they should try next? Let us know in the comments, and catch the talk show host on GMA weekdays from 7 AM EST to 9 AM EST on ABC.

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