Is Josh Seiter’s Husband David Fake? Fans Start To Speculate

Josh Seiter/IG

Josh Seiter, who was on The Bachelorette, recently got married to a man named David. He won’t share his last name or any information about him really, though. This has fans wondering if David could be fake. Josh has been in the headlines a lot lately for his LGBTQ status.

Josh Seiter Gets Married

Josh Seiter had a whirlwind relationship with his now-husband David. These two dated off and on, but when they got back together they didn’t date for long before they got engaged and then immediately married. Josh shared on his Instagram about their wedding and even shared a wedding certificate, but he didn’t show any other pictures. Now none of those pictures are up anymore. He had posted some on his story, which expired, but the ones on his actual Instagram have been deleted as well. If David is real did these two already call it quits? It is unsure why Josh Seiter deleted the pictures from his page.


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Is David Even Real?

Now fans are starting to think that David isn’t even real. An insider reached out to TV Shows Ace to show them screenshots of a conversation between Josh and Meisha Johnson. He was trying to invite her to his show where he would be working as a male stripper. It seemed like he was hitting on her a bit, which is odd if he is married. There is no reason for him to be reaching out to women if he is in a happy marriage with a man. Meisha did shoot him down though and say that she wouldn’t be in town when his show was going on.


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So is David fake? Well, Josh never shared any pictures that showed more than their hands or David’s arms around him. He never showed his face, revealed his last name, or even let fans know much about him. He did say that he was also a male stripper like him, but that was really the only detail he ever gave. Now that Josh Seiter has been getting a lot of hate for being in love with a man he says that he won’t be sharing about their relationship anymore. Only time will tell if these two can make it work and if he ever shows who David really is to fans.

Do you think that Josh Seiter’s husband David is real? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts.

Mandy Robinson

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