Wendy Williams Hospitalized Amid Canceled $25K Speaking Gig

Wendy Williams - YouTube

In a shocking new update, Wendy Williams’ health took a turn for the worse as she has been hospitalized shortly after canceling her $25K speaking gig last minute.

Per an exclusive report from The Sun, the former talk show host was reportedly hospitalized TWICE since she pulled out of her speaking engagement last minute out of an abundance of concern that she wasn’t well enough to take the stage.

Has any information about what exactly is wrong with Wendy Williams been released? Keep reading for the scoop.

Wendy Williams Lick Lips In Blonde Wig [Source: YouTube]
[Source: YouTube]

Wendy Williams Hospitalized Amid Canceled $25K Speaking Gig

An insider speaking exclusively to The Sun reveals that Wendy Williams checked into a medical facility in New York roughly two weeks ago. The insider confirms she was released from the hospital briefly. But, she ended up checking back in just a day later.

The insider explained: “Wendy first went into the hospital about two weeks ago. She was released briefly last weekend, and she went right back in.”

A second source speaking to The Sun adds that Wendy Williams’ family is well aware of her being hospitalized. The family, however, doesn’t have all the details right now about what happened to her or why she’s been hospitalized.

“All I know is she is in the hospital right now, and it’s not rehab. I don’t know which hospital except that she’s definitely in New York.”

Both sources speaking to The Sun wanted it to be abundantly clear that Wendy Williams was at an actual husband and not some sort of rehab facility. They, however, were a bit cagey with any additional details including what happened.

The first insider, however, did confirm the concerns for Wendy’s wellbeing were real as the talk show host wasn’t sure if she would make it back out of the hospital.

She Had Just Canceled a $25K Speaking Gig

It was just a day prior that news broke the 58-year-old canceled a $25K speaking gig at the Atlanta Women’s Expo at the very last minute. The last-minute cancelation was reportedly because there was a concern Wendy was not in a condition to take the stage and speak. This last-minute cancelation also only fueled fans’ fears that Wendy was unwell.

Wendy Williams’ rep and the Atlanta Women’s Expo did issue a joint statement apologizing for her dropping out last minute:

We regretfully have to inform you that Wendy Williams would not be appearing at The Ultimate Women’s Expo in Atlanta on May  20th, 2023. It was with great consideration that we felt it was best for Wendy to join the Ultimate Women’s Expo at a later date.

Fans were given hope that Wendy was on the mend when the Expo promised a video from the former talk show host offering an apology that would be played during the event.

Wendy Williams - Credit: YouTube
Wendy Williams – Credit: YouTube

Unfortunately, fans have a little less hope after learning Wendy Williams has been hospitalized.


Allie Johnson

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