Did Kevin Costner Impregnate ‘Yellowstone’ Co-Worker?

Yellowstone, Kevin Costner-used with Paramount's permission

Since the beginning of the year, Kevin Costner has been in the headlines for accolades and due to some drama. His role as John Dutton in the hit Paramount series Yellowstone seems to be coming to an end.

In addition, earlier this week, his marriage is also ending, with his wife Christine Baumgartner filing for divorce. Now, there is a rumor on social media that has taken over. Did Kevin Costner impregnate someone on the crew of the Paramount series?

We have the latest news in this cacophony of media reports on the Dances With Wolves star.

Did Kevin Costner Impregnate Co-Worker On Yellowstone Set?

Earlier this week, Kevin Costner’s wife Christine Costner filed for divorce. This has caused a lot of speculation as to why this marred couple of nearly two decades are calling it quits. Some of those speculations are shared on social media.

According to TMZ, one of those rumors that is that the couple split because he got a woman who worked on the set of Yellowstone pregnant. The publication checked on the validity of these rumors and sources close to the Field Of Dreams actor call this “total BS.”

How did the rumor start? On Twitter, a fan wrote, “I wonder now, if the drama surrounding Kevin Costner and Yellowstone ‘scheduling,’ was due to the rumor of him potentially getting someone on set pregnant?”

Another wrote, “So it wasn’t Bentley who got a girl pregnant on the Yellowstone set … it was Costner.”

These are just fake news musings on social media and there is no validity whatsoever. Moreover, Costner was said to be “blindsided” by his wife’s divorce filing. Also, one poster started a rumor about Wes Bentley. This is troubling.

Yellowstone, Kevin Costner-used with Paramount's permission
Yellowstone, Kevin Costner-used with Paramount’s permission

Kevin Costner Was Said To Be ‘Blindsided’ By Divorce Filing

Although Kevin Costner has repeatedly been thrown under the bus by unnamed sources allegedly close to the Yellowstone set, it is his wife’s divorce filing that “blindsided” him. According to TMZ, this news was “devastating” for him. He still does not know why she filed.

What we know is that it has nothing to do with another woman on the set of his hit Paramount series.

Is Yellowstone Star Leaving Paramount Series?

Kevin Costner has had a challenging 2023 that has put him in the headlines. Although he won a Golden Globe for his role as John Dutton, he was unable to attend due to historically bad weather that trapped him in his Santa Barbara home. Next, there were rumors about strife on the set of Yellowstone. This has allegedly been between him and the show’s creator, Taylor Sheridan. Kevin has been accused of only being available to film for about a week. His lawyer, Mary Singer, struck back, classifying this as “lies.”

Kevin Costner in Yellowstone
Kevin Costner in Yellowstone [Image Paramount Network/YouTube]
This began a stream of ill will aimed at Costner. Yet, very few people have seen that this situation is multi-faceted. Costner may not be wrong in being frustrated as Taylor Sheridan has still not written the remaining Season 5 episodes. Costner was ready to film those episodes in 2022 when it was originally scheduled to film, but Sheridan has about a dozen other projects that have kept him from being prepared with a script.

Yet, what angered the fans the most is that he and the main cast of the series did not show up to PaleyFest. This was a special evening in Los Angeles where fans get to watch an episode, and afterward, ask the cast questions. Although none of the main cast show, as well as Taylor Sheridan, Coster did explain his actions. He did not want to show up and pretend all was ok with Sheridan. Now, with his wife’s divorce, Costner is back on the hot seat. There is a lot of speculation as to why his wife Christine filed for divorce. However, the rumor that he impregnated a woman on set is not true.

Lots Of Kevin Costner Rumors Now

Nonetheless, we may never know the reason Christine Costner filed for divorce. Also, we may never learn why Kevin Costner is having problems on set. Yet, fans need to be cautious when reading social media posts and determine what is real and what is just speculation.

Yellowstone fans, what do you think of this latest rumor that Kevin Costner impregnated a woman who works on the set of the Paramount series?


Georgia Makitalo


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