Kyle Chrisley’s Ex-Wife Spills On Todd’s Extortion Lies


Kyle Chrisley’s ex-wife, Alexus Whilby, recently broke her silence on the racism and bullying she suffered while attached to the reality TV family. While breaking her silence, she spilled the truth about Todd Chrisley’s extortion lies. What did Todd Chrisley lie about exactly? Keep reading for the scoop.

Kyle Chrisley Still Mourns Papa? [Credit: Kyle Chrisley/Instagram\
[Credit: Kyle Chrisley/Instagram]

Kyle Chrisley’s ex-wife blasts Todd Chrisley for extortion lies

Back in December 2014, Todd Chrisley took to Twitter to reveal that Alexus Whilby (who was Kyle’s wife at the time) was attempting to extort the family. Todd claimed that she threatened to go public with the fact that Kyle’s family was racist if they didn’t pay her off to the tune of $20K.

Ultimately, Todd went on to say he made the decision to hold onto the $20K and take Alexus to court instead. In the comments of the tweet, which is still on his Twitter profile, fans defended Todd noting that he was definitely not racist.

Alexus Whilby
Alexus Whilby

While Kyle Chrisley’s ex-wife recognizes this is way back in history, she wants to clear her name. She wants the world to know that the “extortion” Todd blasted her about never actually happened. In fact, she was doing just fine financially and didn’t need Todd’s money.

Alexus Whilby went on to reveal that this took place during a time when Kyle was estranged from his father. At the time, Kyle relied on her financially and she did what she could to support him. So, she just thought it was crazy for Todd to claim she was trying to extort the family for money while she was literally taking care of one of his children that he cast aside.

Following the allegations of extortion, Todd Chrisley took to Twitter more than a few times to drag Alexus. While the extortion tweet is still live, most of his tweets dragging her have been wiped from his account. Unfortunately for Todd, once you post something on the Internet it is never really gone (even if you delete it).

Todd Chrisley/YouTube

She thinks his current situation is karma

In regards to his current situation, Kyle Chrisley’s ex-wife thinks her former father-in-law is exactly where he belongs. She believes his lengthy prison sentence is karma for the way he treated her and likely treated other people.

Do you think she’s telling the truth about the extortion allegation being a lie? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Chrisley news.

Allie Johnson

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