‘Life After Lockup’ Did Michael’s Manager Fatally Shoot Someone?


Did Life After Lockup star Michael Persaud’s manager, Moka fatally shoot someone? This would be a huge blow to Michael aka Montana Millz’s career. Moka has been doling out advice and trying to launch Michael back to superstardom. Yet, this may all be a thing of the past after recent developments. Read on for all of the pertinent details.

Life After Lockup Did Michael’s Manager Fatally Shoot Someone?

Viewers of Love and Life After Lockup have become familiar with Michael and Justine. They got married while he was still incarcerated. Yet, the moment he was released, the duo was determined to take on the world. They donned matching outfits on a daily basis while he encouraged Justine to quit her job. Michael believed that he was going to get back into the music game as well as launch a shoe line. Therefore, he wanted his lady at home with him. Soon enough, she found out that she was expecting and proceeded to quit her job.

Justine, Michael/YouTube
[Justine, Michael-Credit: YouTube]
Justine was banking all of her hopes on Michael. However, she did clash with his manager, Moka. In Moka’s mind, rappers were more desirable if they were single and appeared like they did not have families. In a recent episode, Justine and Michael went to Las Vegas where they met up with Moka. He was blown away by the pregnancy and the wedding ring still on Michael’s finger. More so, he told Michael that he had a track record of success and had set him up with a gig. Yet, is Moka the one in hot water now?

[Moka-Credit: Instagram]
According to Starcasm, Moka (Lydell Birch so take that in) was doing an interview in his Vegas home on Wednesday, April 12th. The actual details are a little hazy but it appears that, during the interview, a man and a woman started fighting. The man then proceeded to bring out a bat and went on a car-smashing spree. He then went and kicked in the door of a home, presumably Moka’s, and Moka drew a gun. Moka shot and killed the man. The woman who the victim was initially fighting with appears to be Moka’s girlfriend and knew the deceased but unclear how.

Michael Stands Behind Moka

As for how the Life After Lockup star feels about his manager, he has backed him 100%. Moka was not apparently not arrested and is still answering the pertinent questions. As for Michael, he took to social media to share that this was pure self-defense on Moka’s part. As to how this will affect their working relationship is yet to be seen. Hopefully, Michael will keep fans updated on what is going on with the situation.

Are you shocked that Moka is in this situation? Were you a fan of his to begin with? Let us know and watch Life After Lockup Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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