Why Hallmark Hasn’t Made New ‘Mystery 101’ Movie Is Greatest Mystery Of All

Mystery 101 Photo: Jill Wagner Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

What could be the biggest question on the minds of Sleuthers is why hasn’t Hallmark made the eighth Mystery 101 movie. Mystery fans have been waiting for nearly two years for a cliffhanger resolution from the last movie in the series, Deadly History.

Do we know why Hallmark is delayed in making a decision? Here is what we know about the Signature Mystery Series.

Mystery 101 Screenwriter John Christian Plummer Talks About Series

Mystery 101 fans may already know who John Christian Plummer is. He is the screenwriter of the popular Hallmark mystery series. He was recently interviewed in the latest Hallmark Mysteries & More podcast about this series. Additionally, he talked about other series that he writes for.

Firstly, he revealed that he is not speaking for Hallmark, but he does write mystery scripts for the network. In this fascinating interview, Plummer shared how he was given the original script for a new mystery series called Mystery U. He wound up rewriting this entire mystery, using his favorite Shakespearian couple, Beatrice and Benedict from Much Ado About Nothing as his inspiration.

Most of all, the timing was right, and he was able to do a few different things with this series. These were not common with Hallmark mysteries of that time. Best of all, the Mystery 101 series became the number-one series for the network. In addition, it is popular around the world.

But, the big mystery now is why hasn’t Hallmark greenlit another movie. While we don’t know their answer, we can surmise a few of the major obstacles that could impede making another movie. That this is Hallmark’s biggest series knocks off one major objection. What other objections could keep the network from making more?

Mystery 101 Photo: Robin Thomas, Jill Wagner, Kristoffer Polaha Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter
Mystery 101 Photo: Robin Thomas, Jill Wagner, Kristoffer Polaha Credit: ©2021 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

Has John Christian Plummer Written A Script For the Eighth Movie?

Could the reason that Hallmark has not greenlit a new Mystery 101 movie be due to the lack of a script? More so, could this be the reason for the lack of an eighth movie?

In the interview, as with our own exclusive interview with John Christian Plummer, the talented scribe shared that he has a full script for the eighth Mystery 101 movie. Moreover, he assured Eric and Sydney that “nothing bad” will happen to Amy and Travis.

He revealed that he told the network he is ready with a script for this movie. This includes whether he needs to make changes if this should be the final movie in this series.

Are The Main Mystery 101 Actors Willing To Make Another Movie?

Lastly, could the reason that Hallmark has not made an eighth movie be due to one of the main stars? Is someone not interested in doing more? According to Plummer, all three main characters are on board with more Mystery 1o1. This includes Kristoffer Polaha, Jill Wagner, and Robin Thomas.

The screenwriter also revealed that he is currently developing another mystery series with Polaha. However, Plummer did not reveal anything more.

Now, it appears that there are no obstacles to Hallmark making another Mystery 101 movie. There is a script and the cast is available. Most of all, Sleuthers want this movie, and that is a lot of fans because this is the network’s top mystery series.

The only mystery that remains is why hasn’t Hallmark greenlit another movie.

As always, everyone involved suggests Sleuthes contact Hallmark via social media and politely share their enthusiasm for the series and desire for a conclusion to the Deadly History cliffhanger.

Georgia Makitalo

One Comment

  1. I love this series. Please continue writing more episodes.
    I’m also in love with Hannah Swenson Murder she Baked movies. What’s happening with this franchise?
    I love Crossword Puzzle Mysteries or anything that has Lacey Chambert and Brennan Elliott. Can you tell me what is happening?
    I love Hallmark Channel with the stars of the past. What about Aurora Teagarten Mysteries. Please tell me she will be back.

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