Whitney Way Thore Channels Her Inner ‘Mama Babs’

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Whitney Way Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life has been working through a lot since the last time we saw her. She was dating her Frenchman and living her best life. Then it all came crashing down. Her mother, Babs, who was a big part of the show, passed away. This really shook her family and Whitney hasn’t been the same since. She shared some scenes from her mother’s funeral and invited all of her fans to attend. Additionally, she shared a video of the pallbearers and was heartbroken. Now that Whitney has had some time to heal, she is working on paying homage to her mother.

Whitney Way Thore Channels Babs

In her most recent post on Instagram, Whitney was quick to share with her fans a little tribute to Babs. As she is applying bright red lipstick to go out, she sent her mother some love. She captioned it, “Going out tonight in my mom’s favorite red lipstick. Do you know what it’s called? Hint: It’s not hussy.” Of course, her fans felt that the color looked great on her. Many of them told her just how much she looks like her with it on. She also had fans tell her that the tribute to her mother was very sweet.

Many of her fans wrote about how Babs loved her red lipstick. It was one of her signature features when she would appear on the show. Whitney just knew that she could rock this color and her fans thought so too! Not only did Whitney get comments about this color, but there were also fans who asked her if she would do another season of the show. Whitney didn’t reply, but some think that is due to her NDA with TLC.

The Family Woes

Losing a family member is always tough. Whitney Way Thore and her family are very close so this hasn’t been easy on them. Her father, Glenn, has been very strong through all of this though. Whitney often praises him for being such an amazing man and father. Whitney continues to share moments with her fans about Glenn. He was struck hard by the grief of his wife passing away. His family has been very supportive of him since Babs left the world. The couple was married for decades, so it hasn’t been the easiest time for him.

No matter what Glenn and Whitney have been going through without Babs, it seems like they are doing better now. Of course, we all grieve differently and we can only imagine how they feel without her. It was refreshing to see Whitney rocking her lipstick though.

Whitney Way Thore - Barbara Thore Instagram

Do you like the fact that Whitney paid tribute to Babs with this color? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Stay here at TV Shows Ace for more of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. 

Allie Johnson

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