‘My 600-Lb. Life’ Geno Dacunto 2023 Update: Where Is He Now?

my 600 lb life geno - youtube

The Season 11 Premiere of My 600-Lb. Life airs tonight and it leaves fans looking for a 2023 update on Geno Dacunto and where he is now with his weight loss progress? Is there a way for fans to check in on Geno and see how he’s doing? Plus, what happened during his time with Dr. Now? Keep reading for the details.

My 600-Lb. Life introduces fans to Geno Dacunto

Hailing from New Haven, CT, My 600-Lb. Life fans will be introduced tonight to Geno Dacunto during the Season 11 Premiere. Sharing his story with the world, Geno reveals that he weighed 100 pounds by the age of six, weighted 150 pounds by the age of eight, weighed 200 pounds by the 4th grade, and weighed 300 pounds by the time he was just 13. He recalled really struggling in high school because his size prevented him from fitting in places that high school students could normally fit.

 Geno Dacunto My 600lb Life youtube

The episode also introduces fans to his mother Rhonda. Geno and Rhonda live together and Dr. Now considers her to be a bit of an enabler as she turns a blind eye to his struggles. Rhonda tells the camera it pains her to see her son struggling to stand and can’t stomach listening to his difficulty with breathing.

Geno Dacunto shower youtube

Rhonda enlightens fans to the fact that Geno’s family is Italian. So, they communicate with food and never go hungry. She explained that because of her Italian roots, depriving her son of food was just not something she could do. Moreover, she believes he was doomed to struggle with obesity because it ran in his family. She confirmed to Dr. Now that she had weight loss surgery at 36 years old. And, Geno’s uncle also had weight loss surgery about a decade prior to their appearance on the show.

 Geno Dacunto - mom- uncle My 600lb Life youtube


Sadly, Geno shares he was in a difficult situation where he blew out his knee while working. Because of his size, he wasn’t able to fit in any MRI machines in the area. So, he couldn’t get his knee sorted out and get back to work.

Geno and his cousin Nico confirm it was when Geno’s father passed away that Geno really spun out of control with his eating habits.

 Geno Dacunto - My 600lb Life youtube

Did he lose weight and get weight loss surgery?

Those who watched the entirety of Geno and Nico’s episode know that Geno did lose weight during his entire journey with Dr. Now. He also had weight loss surgery eight months into his journey. It was, however, a bit of a slow start because it took them a while to get moved to Texas. In 12 months, Geno went from weighing 684 pounds to weighing 422 pounds. So, he lost a grand total of 263 pounds during the year he worked with Dr. Now.

 Geno Dacunto - Dr Now - My 600lb Life youtube

Geno Dacunto 2023 update: Where is he now?

While his profile is pretty locked down, Geno Dacunto does have a Facebook profile with recent posts that can give fans some information on where he is and how he is doing now. There is no denying he lost a pretty significant amount of weight since he first appeared on the show. It, however, appears from the photos that he may still weigh somewhere between 300 and 400 pounds.

 Geno Dacunto - girlfriend- My 600lb Life facebook

Geno and Nico’s Journey — My 600-Lb. Life Season 11, Episode 1 — airs tonight only on TLC. Viewers unwilling to wait until tonight can tune into the episode early via Discovery+.

Allie Johnson

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