Sharon Osbourne Hospitalization Update: Is She Back Home?

Sharon Osbourne YouTube

Reality star Sharon Osbourne was hospitalized on Friday while filming at a notoriously haunted location in Ventura County, California. Later it was confirmed that the medical emergency wasn’t life-threatening. Now, her son, Jack Osbourne has provided an update on her hospitalization status. Is she back home? Keep reading to find out the details!

Sharon Osbourne Wasn’t Filming For Ghost Adventurers

In an Instagram Story, Jack clarified that his mother wasn’t filming an episode of Ghost Adventures as reported earlier. Rather, she was filming with him for a new episode of Night Of Terror. The 37-year-old media personality, who is also a paranormal investigator, clarified that Sharon has been given an all-clear from the medical team. He further revealed that she is home now and thanked everyone for their love and support.

Sharon Osbourne YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

“As to what happened to my mum-I’m gonna leave it to her to share about when she is ready,” he concluded.

Sharon Osbourne Was Rushed To The Santa Paula Hospital

On Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. PT, emergency services responded to a call made from the Glen Tavern Inn. Sharon was then transported to Santa Paula Hospital. As per The Sun, the aforementioned Inn is a well-known hotel owned by a family that has been investigated in the past by several paranormal shows. This includes popular shows like The Dead Files and Ghost Adventures. Not just that, the Inn is also named one of America’s most haunted places.

Jack Osbourne Instagram

[Source: Instagram]

As per the urban legend, the hotel’s third floor served as a brothel and gambling parlor during Prohibition. The haunting started after a prostitute and a gambler was murdered on site. Several anecdotes from multiple former hotel employees said that they quit their job after being touched by an invisible entity. As per The Dead Files, a medium named Amy Allan also came across a sinister shadow-like figure that kills women for pleasure.

Sharon Osbourne Details Her Husband’s Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Jack has hosted several shows detailing everything from ghosts to shapeshifters to aliens. In the series, Ozzy and Sharon appeared with their son. This includes The Osbournes: Night Of Terror and The Osbournes Want To Believe.

Sharon has been taking care of her husband, Ozzy after he underwent surgery earlier this year. The acclaimed musician had a severe quad bike accident that aggravated old injuries. Moreover, the Emmy Award-winner also shared her feelings about her husband’s Parkinson’s prognosis in an ITV documentary titled Paxman: Putting Up With Parkinson’s.

Sharon Osbourne YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

Recalling her husband’s initial diagnosis in 2003, she said, “Suddenly, your life just stops. Life as you knew it. When I look at my husband, my heart breaks for him. I’m sad for myself to see him that way, but what he goes through is worse. And sometimes when I look at him and he doesn’t know I’m looking at him, I’m like crying.”

Are you glad to hear that Sharon Osbourne is doing better now and is back home? Share your thoughts in the comments below and do not forget to check back with TV Shows Ace for more on the Osbourne family!

Allie Johnson

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