‘Alaskan Bush People’ Family Finds Gold On Their Mountain

The Alaskan Bush People finale for the season ended with the family finding gold on their mountain. This was the best news of all for Rain Brown, who had just returned home from checking herself into a mental health facility for depression issues.
Here is a look at how they found gold on the mountain and what is next for the Brown family.
Alaskan Bush People find gold on their property
Rain Brown checked herself into a mental health facility to help overcome her depression issues. While she was gone, Birdie wanted to do something special for her sister. This involved getting brother Noah involved and setting up the equipment needed to crush the rocks and see if there was gold in the land.
When Rain came back home, Birdie took her to see what they had done and the youngest Brown sibling was more than overjoyed. When Billy Brown moved his family to Washington, he chose their mountain home to buy because he believed there might be gold there. In the past, several people mined on the mountain and left much of their setup in place.
Billy and Rain believed they could find gold. When Billy died, Rain wanted to move on with their dream. Now, thanks to Birdie and Noah, she has the chance to do so quicker than she might have expected. There was even better news. The family called in a local gold expert to look at what they found.
This was when Rain’s dreams began to come true. The man looked at what they had found in the rocks and revealed it was gold. There is gold on the mountain, and now Rain Brown and her family can start to formulate a plan to find it.
What is next for Rain Brown on Alaskan Bush People?
There is no word on whether Alaskan Bush People will get a new season. However, a current report indicated that the current season ranked higher than 98 percent of the reality TV shows airing today. That means that Discovery Channel would be smart to bring it back.
If the show returns, there are two major stories that could play out in an entertaining fashion. The first is Noah Brown moving his wife and kids back to Alaska. However, the rest of the family has gold to look for and this could help bring something to Alaskan Bush People that will keep it fresh and new in its next season. However, the show will need to bring in some new non-family people, because as Gold Rush shows, it is difficult to mine gold.
Are you surprised that the Alaskan Bush People family found gold on their mountain? Will this be too much for them or the start of a bright future? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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I just love this show, and have become attached to the family, so I say “more” I wish them luck in the gold hunt, they should look at the quartz vein and metal detector around it then crush the quartz for the fine gold and pan the tailings to see if anything is left, but a metal detector on the mountain is a great idea. Bless them all, kindest regards Peter ex army UK.
Peter, I’m really sorry to tell you this, but…The Brown’s are big-time scammers and NOTHING on that show is for real. There is NO gold; that’s just a plot line the writers came up with to drag the show longer. Billy Brown was a lazy, selfish shiftless man who wanted to have a lot of money and live the High Life, but he never ever wanted to WORK for it. He married Ami at age 16, Billy was in his late 20’s. Her family had to give permission, and he blathered a lot of promises: He would make sure that Ami stayed in HS and graduate. He would never take her out of Texas (where her family is). He promised he would take good care of Ami, blah blah blah…Yeah, he took care of Ami alright; he kept her barefoot and pregnant (7 kids)! He rarely worked at a job, and when he did, all he would do was complain about how unfair it was to him. Ami helped Billy steal horses in Texas, and got arrested. The whole family lied about being full-time Alaskans so they could collect Oil Dividend Benefit Checks, and got arrested. They couldn’t provide the State of Alaska with physical proof that they actually lived in AK full-time, a requirement to get the Oil Dividend checks. Billy and Bam had to serve 30-day house arrest (they stayed in a hotel during this time period) Billy had “written” some “children’s stories” that he put on blank cd’s (but he really DIDN’T) and made his kid’s go out and sell them to dumb tourist’s. Billy swindled ppl from Texas to Washington State. I believe there are 3 gentlemen (Investor) who are suing his estate because they never received any profits from Billy’s “adventure’s” Ami lied about having breast cancer; they milked a whole season out of THAT. None of the kids went to school or graduated HS; they have no marketable skills so they can go out and make lives for themselves. There is lots more I could say about Billy and Co. Don’t believe me? Google “Alaskan Bush People Scandals” and start reading.