Kylie Jenner Puts Her Children In Danger?

Kylie Jenner | Youtube

Once again, Kylie Jenner’s parenting is catching some heat. The mom of two is now being accused of putting her daughter and son in danger. Keep reading to find out more.

Kylie Jenner’s children in danger?

A new TikTok has emerged and it has fans wondering if Kylie is being totally safe with her daughter Stormi and her son, formally known as Wolf. The culprit? Kylie’s long, almond shaped nails.

According to The Sun, the video is of Kylie showing off long, black, sparkly nails. Of course, the Kardashian family always has flawless nails, so this isn’t a surprise. However, they do have fans wondering how Kylie is caring for her two, very young, children.

Kylie Jenner | Youtube
Kylie Jenner | Youtube
    • “How do you take care of your babies?”
    •  “How are you able to wipe a baby with those nails?”
    •  “I can’t even type with those nails girl how you caring for a baby?”
    • “those long nails are a safety hazard,”
    • “lmao at these dinosaur talon nails … no from me.”

Kylie has yet to comment on any of these accusations. However, this isn’t the first time she’s been accused of bad parenting.

Is she a bad parent?

This actually isn’t the first time that Kylie has been called out for her parenting skills in the last few weeks. In fact, she just got scrutinized for Stormi’s outfit in record heat.

While London was experiencing some of it’s highest temps ever, Kylie had herself and her daughter dressed in head-to-toe leather outfits while they were visiting.

While this is fine for an adult who is able to regulate their own temperature pretty well, followers weren’t so sure it was the best for the four-year-old to be dressed in the same.

“They look cute but Stormi might needs some summer clothes in that heat wave over there. Kylie is used to overdressing in hot weather,” one mentions.

“It’s really hot in London today – they look like leather trousers?” another says.

It seems that fans may not be the biggest advocates behind Kylie’s parenting right now – not to mention the lack of time she seems to be spending with her newborn son. Fans still aren’t even 100% sure of the new baby’s name, let alone the time Kylie spends with him. Needless to say, she’s been catching some heat for this. 

Do you think Kylie Jenner is a good parent? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more on your favorite Kardashian family members.

Haley Cook

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