Adam Busby Claps Back At Trolls ‘Not A Back Seat Parent’

Adam Busby Instagram

Adam Busby and his wife Danielle recently participated in a paid promotion with Great Clips. As TvShowsAce previously reported, fans took some issue with the promotion because the couple usually takes the girls to Danielle’s sister’s hair salon to get their hair taken care of. So, fans didn’t really understand why Adam and Danielle were suddenly team Great Clips.

Adam and Danielle Busby's 2022 Net Worth - YouTube/TLC
YouTube – OutDaughtered

In the comments of the video Adam shared, however, the disrespect to aunt Ashley wasn’t the only issue fans were having. Turns out, OutDaughtered fans were a bit turned off by the whole idea of taking the girls to get their hair cut being primarily Danielle’s job. Likewise, they didn’t care for the couple making a big deal out of Adam “helping” his wife take care of his own children. Moreover, the video suggested getting a child’s haircut was just a “mom job” and something dads don’t usually do.

OutDaughtered fans disgusted by the message Adam sent

One aggravated fan clued Adam in on the fact that he was NOT helping Danielle Busby take care of HER children by getting their hair cut. The individual added that Adam was just being a father to his girls. And, it shouldn’t be viewed as anything different than that.

Adam Busby - Instagram
Adam Busby – Instagram

Adam Busby has never been shy about responding to trolls in his comments. And, he didn’t hesitate to respond to this comment. Adam Busby noted that anytime he’s able to take something off Danielle’s plate when it comes to the family they created he is absolutely helping her. The TLC father didn’t believe the promotion was pushing the idea that he was a backseat parent. Moreover, he very much considered himself and Danielle to be equals when it came to their girls.

Adam Busby caught heat regarding the girls’ hair before

The last time Adam Busby took the girls to get their haircuts, he made a big deal out of only being allowed to get so much cut off before needing permission from Danielle. He noted he only had authority for so many inches. At the time, OutDaughtered fans also found this information to be a put offputting and didn’t like hearing how controlling Danielle was of their girls and the girls’ appearances. Fans questioned why Adam was so accepting of letting his wife wear the pants in the relationship.

Adam Busby - Instagram
Adam Busby – Instagram

Do you think Adam Busby and his wife Danielle are sending the wrong messages with these videos? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more on OutDaughtered.

Allie Johnson

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