Jessa Seewald Allows Kids To Sharpie Cupboards In New Home?

Jessa Seewald, YouTube

Does former Counting On star and Duggar daughter Jessa Seewald let her kids use Sharpies on their new cupboards? For the past few months, she has been giving fans a peek into her home renovation project. She and her husband, Ben Seewald are fixing up a house after their family of six outgrew their previous home.

On YouTube, Jessa has been documenting the home renovation process. She’s taken fans along with her as she fixes up the new property. But it looks like things didn’t go as planned with the cabinets.

Jessa Seewald, YouTube

Does Jessa Seewald allow her kids to use Sharpies on the cupboards?

In one of her YouTube videos about her new home, the Duggar daughter revealed to fans that one of her children had drawn on the cupboards with a Sharpie. She kept the child’s identity private, so it’s unclear who did it. Jessa and Ben have four kids, Spurgeon, 6, Henry, 5, Ivy, 3, and Fern, 11 months.

She said, “You can see this here. Just a complete circle around the whole thing and some extra little swirlies over here.”

Jessa then added, “You know what I’m debating. First I was a little frustrated like ‘why?’ but then I was like you know what? Maybe it’ll add some character.”

Jessa Seewald, YouTube

After seeing Jessa Seewald’s video, Duggar fans schooled her on her parenting decisions. They urged her to give her children appropriate consequences so they know not to do this again in the future.

However, this isn’t the only time that Jessa’s kids have gotten ahold of Sharpies. In another old video on her YouTube channel, you can see that someone drew with a marker on the door at her current home, too.

Jessa Seewald, YouTube

So, while Jessa likely didn’t allow her kids to color the cabinets and door with Sharpies, they did manage to find the permanent markets somewhere.

Fans are wondering if Jessa keeps a close enough eye on her kids if they’re able to create this much “artwork.”

One questioned, “How are they getting the Sharpies?”

Hopefully, Jessa Seewald will be able to keep all of the permanent markers out of her kids’ reach, especially at the new house. She and Ben appear to have put quite a bit of time, money, and energy into fixing it up.

So, does it shock you that Jessa Seewald’s kids used Sharpies on her new cabinets? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. And come back to TV Shows Ace for more Duggar family news. You can watch one of Jessa’s home renovation videos below.

Aubrey Chorpenning

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