’90 Day Fiance’ Mohamed Shows Real Reason He Wants To Marry Yve?

Mohamed Abdelhamed YouTube

90 Day Fiance Mohamed Abdelhamed has been vocal about what he wants from his fiancee Yve Arellano. It is starting to look like another Danielle and Mohamed situation. With the huge age gap, fans were skeptical about Mohamed’s intentions from the start. Were they right all along? What is the real reason Mohamed actually wants to marry Yve and is it about to come out?

Mohamed Pours His Heart Out Before A New Friend

In the latest sneak peek of 90 Day Fiance on TLC’s Instagram, Mohamed can be seen conversing about his situation with his new friend and president of the mosque. He talked about several things that bothered him about his relationship. Mohamed also insinuated that if the marriage arrangements do not fall in line sooner, he might consider a different approach to guarantee he stays in the US.

Mohamed and Yve YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

In the clip, Mohamed talks about how he wishes to get married sooner to take care of his family. He added that this would fast-track the green card application process.

The groom-to-be even went so far as to dub Yve ‘selfish’ for her decision to delay the marriage. The 25-year-old also mentioned that Yve is fine with the arrangement that he takes care of her child, and she brings home food for both. He mentions how he wishes to start working sooner and that waiting three more months for the wedding is redundant.

90 Day Fiance Mohamed Mentions Seeking A New Sponsor

Talking to the camera, the reality star also mentions that the massage therapist is holding the paperwork over his head. She is also taking it easy as Mohammed is taking care of her child while she works. He blames Yve, claiming that she is just thinking about her own life.

Mohamed Abdelhamed YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

When asked by the mosque president about his backup plan when things go wrong, Mohamed mentions that he might look for another sponsor. He also clears up the air by stating that this sponsor wouldn’t be another wife but someone who can help move things along quicker. He confirms that this is just an idea, and he currently has no one except Yve to sponsor him.

Yve Distressed After Mohamed Talks About His ‘Real Intentions’

After this heart-to-heart with his new friend, Mohamed expresses his concerns to Yve regarding the paperwork for his green card. Although the couple stays together, Mohamed chooses to alert her about his intentions to get another sponsor via a text message early in the morning.

Mohamed Abdelhamed YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

Distressed about the message, Yve walks toward Mohamed, asking why he sent her this message. She adds to the conversation that he simply cannot look for another sponsor. The Albuquerque-resident also mentions that she is his petitioner and her sponsor currently. She also adds that one has to get married before the paperwork can be turned in.

Mohamed jumps in, stating that they should get married ASAP. However, Yve mentions how she wants her wedding to be special, and things take time.

With the idea of a new sponsor sitting in his mind, do you think the reality star can start looking for one? What do you feel he plans to do next? Let us know in the comments and watch 90 Day Fiance Sundays on TLC.


Allie Johnson


  1. Yve makes women look stupid as stumps! Wake up WOMAN…he’s using YOU! Dump this boil…it’ll save you many, many headaches…. You need someone who’s not a controlling baby… you’re in control, why not show him you don’t need his boy tantrums…”fits” as my grandma would say… everyday he brings you to tears, there’s many other fish in the sea who will appreciate someone taking care of them! Dump him! Send him back to mum n dad…I’d want an equal not another child… just sayin’…….

  2. Vye, Dump that clown! You shared your ritual with him. He acted above your saying you should know God, while he doesn’! He worships an idol instead of the God who created everything. Ever since you’ve been together all he has done is upset you, and hurt you. You have to know that mohammads just using you for a green card. Your way to beautiful and real for a vomit like him. Let him go. You can do much better! Don’t be unevenly yoked. His religion demands you be a slave to him! There’s nothing ahead with him but hurt and heartbreak unless you want to be his obedient little dog with no opinion, respect, or freedom to achieve your dreams. You’ll need to be completely subjected to him!

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