‘Jeopardy!’ Fans Tired Of Mayim, Say New Champ Made Fool Of Himself?

Jeopardy! Fans Tired Of Mayim, Say New Champ Made Fool Of Himself? [YouTube]

Jeopardy! fans are tired of Mayim Bialik. As TV Shows Ace previously reported, she has been hosting the show for several weeks now. Ken Jennings warned fans that he would be out for “months.” However, they want him back.

They’re growing tired of seeing Bialik behind the podium, week after week. They can’t help but notice whenever she slows down the pace of the show or makes blunders. But now fans are picking on someone else. They’re going after the champ for making a fool of himself on national television.

Mayim Bialik Returns For Another Week [YouTube]

Growing tired of Mayim Bialik?

Mayim Bialik has been hosting Jeopardy! after Ken Jennings announced his extended hiatus. He wasn’t kidding as it is now her eighth consecutive week. However, fans are getting tired of her. They hoped they would’ve seen Jennings back by now. Some of the fans on Twitter wanted to know why she was still there.

“Why is Mayim STILL hosting? I don’t get it,” one fan wrote.

“I thought she and Ken were trading off? She has had WAY more weeks than he has,” another fan noted.

The permanent hosting decision still hasn’t been announced yet. Jeopardy! producers suggested that they might need multiple hosts. So, it’s possible that Bialik and Jennings will be around for a long time. Jennings could end up with the permanent position, while Bialik could become the host of Celebrity Jeopardy!

Jeopardy Champ Makes Fool Of Himself? [YouTube]
Fans also can’t help but wonder about Buzzy Cohen, who has been sharing cryptic posts on Twitter. They think he could end up with the coveted position. Jeopardy! producers hinted that there will be more shows on the horizon. So, it’s possible that Cohen could end up with one of those hosting positions.

It seems like there is plenty to go around. However, fans would like to see Jennings back. They don’t think it’s fair that Bialik has gotten to host more episodes than he has. The champ is a natural successor to the late Alex Trebek.

Jeopardy! champ made a fool of himself?

Jeopardy! fans moved on from Bialik in the latest episode. They decided to pick on the new champ Yungsheng Wang. The California Public Defender wore a gray suit and bowtie. He ended up winning his second game. During Final Jeopardy, he was the only player who correctly responded “Ford’s Theater” and confidently bet $9,200.

The player started off the show with a gasp as Bialik announced his name. When the host announced his winning score, Wang looked shocked for several seconds. He hid behind the podium as he was declared the winner. Jeopardy! fans have never seen a contestant act like this before, so they shared their thoughts on Twitter.

  • “That guy might want to cut back on his caffeine intake.”
  • “Yeesh. Wang made a fool of himself.”
  • “I like his enthusiasm. At least he’s interesting unlike the series of white bread contestants they’ve had lately.”
  • “Yungsheng does not have a poker face.”

What are your thoughts on Bialik hosting another week? What did you think of Wang’s reaction to his win? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Jeopardy!

Chanel Adams


  1. I will not watch Jeopady when Mayim is hosting. She is not a good fit. She slows down everything and makes the entire show about her. Bring back Ken.

  2. I totally agree that Mayim isn’t a good fit for Jeopardy, she misses the rules and seems to make her own plus she really doesn’t have a great personality. Maybe better to stick to her acting

  3. My fellow Jeopardy fans, not all, but some, are embarrassing, whining about every little thing, I like Ken Jennings and I like Mayim Bialik, they both do a great job, it’s awful easy to sit back in TV land, act like an armchair quarterback and bitch, I don’t see THEM up there trying to play or host, why sit around being unhappy all the time.

  4. I’m hoping that Mayim is made permanent host. She’s been doing a fine job and doesn’t have an abrasive voice like Jennings. I can’t watch when he hosts.

    1. She mispronounces many elementary words, dresses like a schlumpf and squeals like a short every time a player finds a daily double. Jeopardy is not a good venue for plumbing the depths of her inadequacies. Alex would be appalled. So am I.

    2. Thank you the media is picking on her. It’s beginning to turn into bullying. She’s very smart and also a bit religious, folks don’t like it.

  5. I think Wang’s reactions to what’s happening around him are genuine and he’s really that excited to be playing the game. I can see him hitting double digit wins.

    I can take or leave Mayim. She needs to be more patient with contestants answering while there’s still time on the clock to answer. She’s had too many turnovers by the judges. She also needs to be more consistent with what’s a correct answer. A recent player answered 90210 and the full answer was Beverly Hills 90210. She let that slide and gave the full answer. I’ve seen her reject more informative answers than that.

    I also think she’s not very good when they do the “get to know the players” chat after the first commercial break. If that offends anyone, as Alex would say, “Oooh, sorry.”

    1. Thank you the media is picking on her. It’s beginning to turn into bullying. She’s very smart and also a bit religious, folks don’t like it.

  6. I think Mayim is doing an awesome job! She does well reading the clues & interacts easily with the contestants. People need to stop being so critical of her – she’s a wonderful person !

  7. They are going to keep on with her until they lose all viewership. Bring back Ken Jennings permanently.

  8. Mayim repeatedly makes a huge grammatical error: ‘that’s him!’ She reacts to a correct answer. It would be irritating any time, but on a show that shows off above-average intellect, it’s unforgivable.

    And then we deal with her clothes. The bow in the hair was a new depth.

    My husband, who does have a life other than Jeopardy, comments ‘Who IS she? She’s so irritating’

  9. Actually I just started watching Jeopardy again after several years. I like having a female host, especially one as smart and well educated. Give her a break, this is a totally new role for her after being in a sitcom for years. It’s a refreshing change.

  10. She’s just ok, but what I dislike about her is that she continues to hawk this Nureva product as a scientist. I am also a scientist and do a lot of personal research before putting something into my body. The company will not provide any blind trials of their product. They place their legitimacy in that some of the individual ingredients have shown some efficacy. That’s just junk science. Alec never endorsed anything I am aware of that would be detrimental to him nor the Jeopardy reputation.

  11. Please bring back Ken Jennings as the permanent host! He is so much better than any other host you have tested in this position! I don’t like Mayim in this position, although she is a good actress. And please find someone else for the “special” Jeopardy gigs…Buzzy?

  12. People are too judgmental. Why can’t they just enjoy Jeopardy , without all the criticism and learn something from the show?

  13. People need to stop bashing Mayim. They are looking for any excuse to do so. Is she making some mistakes? Yes. However, Alex and Ken have made the same mistakes without getting bashed for them.
    She’s still learning the job and getting better all the time as she gets more comfortable at the podium. Leave her be and enjoy the competition.

  14. I like Buzzy, he’d be great I any slot the put him in, ..as far as Jennings, vs. Balik, they’re ‘both’ good. they both have great qualities, it would be difficult to pick one over the other. Ken seems more the ‘natural’.. while, Mayim has ‘eager’ charm, ..they BOTH do well.
    ‘Buzzy’ is a great choice as well,
    he has an ‘entertainment value’,
    the other two simply ‘don’t’ possess..
    ..Good Luck choosing.

  15. I love Mayim on Jeopardy!
    She’s warm and caring, and actually talks to the contestants, and not at them!
    I love the new Champ’s enthusiasm, it’s refreshing from some that barely break a smile.
    I think some people are just plain too critical about a TV show, it IS for entertainment only!

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