Why Is HBO Taking TV Shows Off Catalog?

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HBO Max has been narrowing its content catalog for quite some time. But the amount of content that left the subscription video platform in the past week or so has been exponential. As of now, WarnerMedia hasn’t commented on these sudden departures or made any official announcement. But, this didn’t stop fans from theorizing the reasons & mourning their treasured shows.

High-Profile Anime Titles Leave HBO Max

Initial signs of high-profile content departures from the subscription video platform were first seen in the animation category. This makes sense given that WarnerMedia owns Cartoon Network. It also hosts movies by Studio Ghibli in the United States. Moreover, it also promotes an extensive anime collection.

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[Source: YouTube]

However, as subscribers started to share news of content leaving the platform, many started to remark on the situation. Curious for an answer, several fans took a look at the entertainment conglomerate’s latest merger with Discovery.

HBO Max Merges With Discovery+

As reported by Vulture, these suspicions aren’t actually misplaced. Sources close to these companies informed reporters that together they have been planning some substantial changes for HBO Max. It also sparks rumors of a name change as well. Some allegedly think the name HBO Max is a tad confusing for the service.

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[Source: YouTube]

Plus, the mature and graphic content isn’t right for some viewers and parents. Regardless, insiders mentioned that the final goal is to merge Discovery+ and HBO Max as a unified content streaming service. Given the scope and size of Discovery+, it would make sense that they are considering some fresh branding. They aren’t considering the idea of absorbing one into another.

Final Space Leaves HBO Max Leaving Fans Disappointed

Sadly, this merger is potentially interrupting HBO Max’s winning streak & fans aren’t pleased. Big names are now leaving HBO Max’s content catalog. For starters, a lot of content from Adult Swim and Cartoon Network has been departing. A notable name among these is Final Space. The show wasn’t just dropped from HBO Max’s catalog but also removed from Adult Swim’s website & YouTube channel.

Final Space HBO Max YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

The show got cancelled last week & at the moment, only a couple of its clips are on the Adult Swim website. Some more removals came from TNT and TBS, cable channels that are owned by the entertainment conglomerate. This includes names such as Snowpiercer, Amsterdam, The Last O.G., & Beforeigners.

Viral Reddit Post Speculates A New Theory

A viral Reddit post speculates that these new changes might have something to do with international distribution rights. With the merger underway, these rights can change.

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[Source: YouTube]

Other titles removed from HBO Max include MaoMao, In Bloom, Wrecked, & several others. New examples of the changes have been showing up on social media out and about. However, the catalog might differ depending on the region.

Has HBO Max outcasted one of your favorites? Let us know in the comments!

Allie Johnson

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