Meri Brown Gets Cryptic About Letting Go

Meri Brown from TLC

Sister Wives fans know that Meri Brown has been on a difficult journey over the past few years. Onscreen, it just seems like she just can’t connect with her family members any longer. These days, Kody only seems interested in Robyn. Christine left the family and Janelle is off on her own adventures now. So what’s going on with Meri?

Meri’s Instagram followers know that she loves posting inspirational messages and sharing words of wisdom with fans. But is she about to move on from Kody? One of her most recent posts seems to hint that she’s looking for greener pastures.

Meri Brown keeps leaving cryptic messages on her Instagram page

The TLC star has definitely struggled with her mental health over the years. After Meri gave up her status as Kody’s legal wife, she seemed to self-isolate more often and sink into her own depression. And the catfishing scandal that followed definitely didn’t help things.

Meri Brown/Us Weekly

Meri’s Instagram stories seem to hint that she’s got a lot going on behind the scenes.

“Let it go. Something beautiful wants to grow in its place,” she wrote in one Instagram story.

Meri Brown/Instagram

“Whatever it is, forgive yourself. You did your best. Let it go,” she wrote in another.

It’s clear that Meri Brown is doing her absolute best to be positive and focus on the future. But what’s really bothering her?

Meri Brown/Instagram

When Christine Brown left the family last fall, many fans suspected that Meri or Janelle would follow suit. For now, both women are staying with Kody. But fans suspect that Meri and Janelle might be on their way out.

TLC often requires its stars to sign NDAs. If Meri or Janelle already left Kody, they may not be allowed to say anything.

Fans try to decipher the TLC star’s messages

In another of her cryptic Instagram posts, Meri encouraged her followers to trust their gut and follow their instincts. So what exactly does she mean here?

Some fans thought she could be referring to the catfishing scandal, but others think she might be referring to Kody here. Or, there could be any number of factors playing out offscreen. Meri Brown might be a reality TV star, but she also has a whole life going on when the cameras aren’t rolling.

So what do you think is going on with Meri Brown? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments. Share your own ideas with everyone and let them know what’s on your mind.

Are you interested in keeping up with Meri Brown and the rest of the Sister Wives family? Follow TV Shows Ace online and stay informed. There’s always something new to share about the cast.

Nikole Behrens
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