‘Jeopardy!’: LeVar Burton Blasts ‘Distasteful’ Producer Mike Richards

Jeopardy!: LeVar Burton Blasts Distasteful Producer Mike Richards [Jeopardy | YouTube]

LeVar Burton blasted “distasteful” producer Mike Richards. The former Jeopardy! guest host slammed him for keeping him from the coveted position. The hosting job is now down to two people: Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik. The show chose them after Richards stepped down.

Fans campaigned on social media for the former Reading Rainbow host to become the new host of Jeopardy! They thought Burton would’ve been perfect. Burton is a fan of the popular quiz series. Unlike many other celebrities, had to undergo a test to prove himself. Unfortuantely, it wasn’t fair and Richards ended up as the new host of Jeopardy!

LeVar Burton Talks Jeopardy Controversy [YouTube]

Mike Richards fought to become the Jeopardy! host

At the time, a scathing report revealed that Mike Richards tried to work his way into becoming the new host of Jeopardy! He already served as the executive producer of the game show. There were also explosive allegations that Richards was accused of making inappropriate comments about the Jewish community and acting inappropriately with women.

In a new interview, LeVar Burton blasted Jeopardy! for the way they handled their search for a new host. He also slammed Richards for his “distasteful” way of going about getting the job. The actor wasn’t “happy” that he didn’t end up with the gig after the controversy. Burton called Richards to gush about his love for the game show and to become the successor of the late Alex Trebek, who passed away in 2020.

“[Mike] told me later that he didn’t believe me,” LeVar Burton revealed to The Ringer. “He didn’t sense in that call my passion.”

LeVar Burton Joins Jeopardy [Jeopardy | YouTube]
[Jeopardy | YouTube]
The reporter called it “interesting and surprising.” The children’s entertainer said that Richards told him at the time he “was not interested in the job.” Richards claimed that it was only “his job to help them find the right person for this job.” He made that clear “twice” in their conversation.

LeVar Burton blasts the classic game show

Jeopardy! fans started an online petition for LeVar Burton to become the new host. This led Richards to follow up with Burton to ensure that his “passion was genuine.” Burton snagged the guest position a few days later. However, his episodes took place during the Olympics, which fans believed contributed to the lower ratings that week.

LeVar Burton agrees with the fans that he was “duped by the process.” He has a feeling that “the fix was always in.” Burton didn’t think he was going to get the position. He believed the show already had someone else in mind.

“It wasn’t really what they said it was,” LeVar Burton declared. “And so my conclusion is I got what I asked for: I got a tryout, I got a chance to guest host.”

LeVar Burton Guest Hosts Jeopardy [Jeopardy | YouTube]
[Jeopardy | YouTube]
Ultimately, the show went with Mayim Bialik and Mike Richards. Weeks later, Richards stepped down from the position due to his controversial comments and actions. Ken Jennings stepped up to the podium and now many Jeopardy! fans are gunning for him to get the position. The television host wasn’t ” ultimately” happy with how the show went about that situation.

What are your thoughts on what LeVar Burton said about Mike Richards? Do you believe the producer tried to fix it so he could get the position? Who do you think should be the host of Jeopardy? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on LeVar Burton.

Chanel Adams

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