‘LPBW’: Zach Roloff Accuses Matt Of Valuing Money Over Family

Matt Zach Roloff Instagram

With a new season of LPBW just two weeks ago, TLC dropped an explosive trailer featuring Zach Roloff going head-to-head with his father, Matt. As TvShowsAce previously reported, Amy Roloff admits she’s “not surprised” Zach and Matt had a falling out. Likewise, she’s not really sure if the damage can be undone. Caryn Chandler also makes an appearance in the trailer. While she never says a word, her smirk as she watches the family crumble speaks louder than anything she could have said to fans watching at home.

LPBW Matt Roloff - Zach Roloff Youtube
LPBW Matt Roloff – Zach Roloff Youtube

Zach Roloff accuses Matt of valuing money over family

Zach Roloff tells the cameras that his father, Matt, is more interested in making a profit than keeping the legacy in the family. He questioned if his father valued making money over keeping this property in his family. Zach noted his father has talked about the importance of keeping Roloff Farms in the family for the past ten years. When push came to shove, however, Zach claims his father was unwilling to work with him on the price.

Zach argued that his father is going to have to decide if he values money or family more because he isn’t going to allow his father to make money off of him while selling a piece of the property.

lpbw - matt roloff - amy roloff- zach roloff - youtube
lpbw – matt roloff – amy roloff- zach roloff – youtube

Why didn’t Amy just sell Zach her portion?

Some fans believe this whole nasty situation could have been avoided if Amy Roloff had just sold her portion of the property to Zach and Tori from the beginning. Other fans speculate Matt rushed Amy into making a decision and didn’t give her time to even consider working out the details with Zach. There are even some fans who believe Matt wouldn’t allow her to sell some of the property to Zach because he wanted to be in control of a decision like that.

Jacob has accused his father of the same

Jacob Roloff has stood on the same side of the argument as his brother Zach for a while. Coined as the rebel of the family, Jacob argues that watching LPBW is like watching his family play characters of their actual selves. Jacob has also slammed his family as selling their souls for some reality TV money.

LPBW Tori Roloff - Zach Roloff Youtube
LPBW Tori Roloff – Zach Roloff Youtube

Do you think Matt Roloff is trying to make money off of his family? Or, do you think he just wants Zach to pay a fair price on the property? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for more.

Allie Johnson


  1. I have not been a fan of Matt since the there first season. Matt has always put the farm over family witch is the reason him and Amy never worked out. He has always said that the reason for working on the farm so much was for him to leave the property to his kids but sadly it doesn’t seem like that.

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